The Deep Connection Between Yoga and Crossfit
The Deep Connection between Yoga & CrossFit
Reflections from a CrossFitting Yogi
At the heart of the connection between Yoga and CrossFit lies the recognition that we are all ongoing works in progress, evolving holistically rather than in isolation.
Recently, I completed my Level One certification for CrossFit, revisiting this fitness regimen after a decade. I was reminded of my early days with Eamon Coyne, during foundation classes, and how enlightening it was to grasp the relationship between myself and my body. As a yoga-certified practitioner at that time, I approached this somewhat uniquely. I believed flexibility and achieving poses were keys to unlocking a deeper understanding of my body.
In yoga, a lot revolves around the expansion and contraction of the core. This concept mirrors CrossFit's fundamental principle, often reiterated in Level One training, that all movements start from the core and extend outward. CrossFit emphasizes functional movements, defying the old-school gym philosophy of isolated muscle development. Such movements, while novel at the time of CrossFit's inception, have always been integral to fitness.
The parallels between fitness and yoga are clear. Both require multifaceted, whole-body movements. Whether you're performing a squat in CrossFit or a Warrior One pose in yoga, you're utilizing various body parts in harmony.
Moreover, CrossFit encourages a versatile fitness approach. Its mantra, "the specialty is not specialization," espouses the notion of being a well-rounded athlete rather than a specialist in a single discipline. The contrast becomes evident where outside of rarefied circles in India and other random locales, the yoga philosophy doesn't promote competition. It suggests that encouraging comparisons may lead to increased suffering. In CrossFit, this aspect is clear, the Games and day-to-day WODs allow for completion to flourish. In “baked into the cake” is the promotion of competition as a part of the the act of pushing “tenacity,” more on that some other time. However, the union of both is that ultimately, whether you find yourself fixated on doing faster pull-ups than the person next to you on the rig or a more intense headstand on the yoga mat, you are—always—just competing against yourself.
Despite these differences and similarities, comparisons are inevitable even in yoga. A Practitioner who keeps in mind both the yin and Yang will be moved by both. Despite these sentiments, it's essential to remember that both disciplines emphasize self-improvement, functional movements, and core strength, underscoring the deep connection between CrossFit and yoga.
The Deep Connection Between Yoga & CrossFit