January Featured Athlete - Dana Pajerski


1. What brought you into CFP?

I was Janessa and Jana’s guinea-pig for their first Birthfit post-partum series. It was amazing and reminded me how much I enjoy working out. I went from being very physically active in my teens and 20’s to being a mom in my 30’s (and not making physical activity a priority). When the series was over, I planned to try CF and see what I thought of it. A couple classes in I was hooked!   

2. What have you gained from joining CF?

I’ve definitely been getting stronger physically but also learning to listen to my body and taking things down a notch if I’m not feeling 100% (usually due to lack of sleep from being up with kiddos in the night). Slow is fast :)

3. Have you passed on anything from BirthFit/CrossFit to anyone outside of the gym?

I’ve shared the functional progressions with my sisters and friends who are pregnant/post-partum.

4. What’s your favorite movement?

The squat. So good for so many reasons!

5. What’s your least favorite movement?

Probably burpees in large quantities. Oh and split jerks. Maybe I’ll learn to love them?

6. If you could write a wod what would it look like?

I was an endurance athlete in my 20’s so I tend to like longer workouts. My WOD would probably include rounds of rowing and/or running, wall ball shots and kettle bell swings.  

7. What are some goals you’ve crossed off your CrossFit list?

Core rehab after 3 babies has been a big one, still in progress but much improved.

Rope climbing, box jumps, learning to kip are a few specific ones.

8. What are some future goals you have?

Become kickass at push-ups, be able to do pull-ups and just keep lifting heavier.

9. What do you do for self care?

I go to CF! I actually have a babysitter one morning a week so that I can come to CF alone and then just have a few hours to myself. Best thing I ever did.

Cooking with a glass of wine is a close 2nd.

Watching Ozzy Man or something on Netflix with Jan (my hubby) is a close 3rd.

10. Where’s your favorite place to eat out in the area?

Agava and Viva. I just realized both of these places have good margaritas. Coincidence?

11. Winter, spring, summer or fall?


12. Liquor, wine, beer or cider?

All of the above but not at the same time

13. What do you do for a living?

Pediatric Registered Nurse. Although the majority of my time right now is being a momma to my three sweet (but wild) boys (ages 6, 4 and 1).

14. Where are you from?

A tiny town in NW Ontario, Canada. It’s a pretty spectacular part of the world, but winters are harsh and it’s crazy remote. It is fun to go back in the summers to visit though. I spent my college and early working years in Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta. Jan and I came to Ithaca in 2011 with a 3-5 year plan...haha.

15. What’s a random fact you hold that you can share with the CFP community?

Lobsters pee out of their faces.

16. If someone was hesitant about trying CF, what would you tell then?

Any exercise can be scaled and the people are amazing! What are you waiting for?

Lauree Myler