February Featured Athletes - Brian & Liz Fuller
1. Where are you both from?
Liz: Roxbury, NJ
Brian: Ithaca, NY
2. What brought you to Ithaca, Liz?
The Music Education Program at Ithaca College. Also, my older sister went to IC so I knew I liked the area.
3. What brought you guys into CFP?
Brian: Liz’s brother was introduced to CrossFit when he was deployed in Afghanistan. He kept pushing me to try it because he knew the results were so good. I finally agreed to try CFP but at the old gym there was a 100-person waitlist! I started doing it (likely poorly) at home until I got into Foundations.
Liz: When I found out Brian was going to start Foundations I heard all of these rumors how CrossFit was going to destroy my new husband. I marched down to CFP to give Tim a piece of my mind and found myself signed-up for the same Foundations class when I left. Tim was so patient answering my many questions and he sold me immediately. We met many life-long friends at Foundations and in classes shortly after.
4.What keeps you coming to CFP?
The supportive community and the close friends we have met along the way.
5. What are some goals you’ve each crossed of your list at Pallas?
Liz: When I started, I had no athletic background and was riding the CrossFit rollercoaster. I surprised myself and found I was able to do pull-ups, heavy deadlifts, and HSPU. Things I thought I could never do. More recently I have been pleased to see I am mostly at pre-pregnancy numbers and comfort with movements.
Brian: There are of course the exciting milestones over the years: muscle ups, 135 snatch, 405 deadlift. But probably the most important was getting my fitness back after being really sick a couple years ago.
5. What are some future goals you’re working to achieve?
Liz: I would like to have more stamina for longer workouts and maybe compete in a local competition.
Brian: I want to handstand walk across the gym.
6. If you could (together) write a partner WOD, what would it look like?
Probably something around 14 minutes with HSPU, clean and jerks, and running.
7. What would a solo WOD look like for each of you?
Liz: The stuff we don’t do as often in classes: rope climbs, sled pulls, and sand bag cleans.
Brian: Anything with more than two movements including strict gymnastics, moderate barbell, and a strongman element and I am very comfortable.
8. Is Brian’s chicken parm your favorite home cooked meal?
Liz: For me, yes. But everything Brian makes is my favorite! It means extra time with Maia in the evenings and that’s just pure gold.
9. Where’s each of your favorite place to eat out and what do you get there?
Liz: Viva because margaritas.
Brian: There is a lobster shack in an undisclosed Maine fishing village I would be at right now given the choice.
10. Favorite Harry Potter book?
Liz: Prisoner of Azkaban
Brian: I am always stuck between Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban
11. Favorite HP character?
Liz: It’s so hard to pick just one! Probably Dumbledore followed closely by Lupin.
Brian: Snape… and before you get your pitchforks, I find his story to be so complex and interesting.
Liz: *Slowly puts down pitchfork…*
12.What do you guys do for a living?
Liz: I teach beginner band at Groton Elementary School.
Brian: I am Regional Sales Manager for ROHM Semiconductor.
13. What quality of each other do you hope gets passed on to Maia?
Liz: Brian’s creativity and ability to make the best of any situation.
Brian: Liz’s intelligence and musical talents.
14. Do you have a random fact about yourself you’d like to share?
Liz: I play horn in the Ithaca Community Orchestra.
Brian: When I was young, I could hold my breath for 4 minutes under water and my Mom hated it.
15. What’s your favorite band?
Liz: I don’t really have a favorite band… But my favorite composer is Johannes Brahms.
Brian: Phish
16. Do you have a dream vacation?
Liz: Dream vacation would be a long tour of Europe to enjoy history, food, and drink.
Brian: Same.
17. What would you say to someone hesitant about signing up for CF
Liz: If I can do it, you can do it. I identify as unathletic and uncoordinated. When I first started out, I used to be so nervous to come to class. I thought everyone was judging me at my beginner level, but I never experienced anything but support and encouragement. If someone is nervous about signing up for CrossFit, I would tell them to come in to talk to Tim (like I did), watch a class, and find me afterwards to chat. We’ll have margs.
Brian: I would tell them to feel comfortable at any skill level. We are all on our own journey. CFP makes it easy. Just show up. The coaches will warm you up, review all of the movements, and before you know it the class is done.