August Featured Athlete - Justin Witty

Justin Witty.jpeg

1. Where are you from?

I am from Campbellton, New Brunswick, Canada. It’s a small town along the Northern coast bordering the province of Quebec.

2. What brought you to Ithaca?I graduated as a DVM in 2013 and after that I spent the next few years doing internships (general and specialty) as well as working in private practice. The goal was to obtain a residency in diagnostic imaging in order to become a veterinary radiologist. In 2017, I was matched through the Veterinary Internship and Residency Matching Program (VIRMP) to Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine’s diagnostic imaging residency.

3. What’s your favorite thing about the area?

Definitely the outdoors with all of the falls/gorges and parks.

4. What brought you to Pallas?

I have to thank former Pallas member and friend/previous mentor of mine, Karine Gendron, for that. She knew I was looking for a new CF box after relocating to Ithaca. She told me I needed to go to Pallas and that I would love it. She was right; Pallas exceeded all expectations and the rest is history!

5. What keeps you at Pallas?

The main reason is the people. The community as a whole fosters such a supportive, welcoming environment and is composed of amazing individuals from all backgrounds. All the athletes inspire me to be a better version of myself each day and several of the members have become my second family during my time here in Ithaca. I love the programming and the coaches are phenomenal.

6. What’s a goal you’ve crossed off your CF list?

Since joining Pallas, I have been fortunate to hit several goals. One of the more recent ones I’m excited about is my breakthrough in ring muscle ups (both technique and capacity).

7. Do you have any pending goals?

Absolutely! I love having something to work towards. A few things include: continuing to improve my Olympic lifting technique, RMU technique/capacity, tightening up my butterfly pull ups and eventually working towards butterfly chest to bar. A larger/longer term goal is to lock down handstand walks.

8. If you could write a workout, what would it look like?

I tend to like workouts that have 3 or more different movements. I think the workout would be a chipper style with a “12 days of Christmas” type theme.

9. Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall?

Summer but fall is a close second.

10. Adult beverage choice?

Definitely a cider fan.

11. Where’s your favorite place to eat in the area?

I have to admit that I don’t eat out all that often but I’d have to go with Tamarind which was a go to spot for Anna, Dave, Mike and I (Pre-COVID). The Heights would be another.

12. Describe your favorite dessert.

Either a homemade berry pie (especially strawberry rhubarb with homemade crust) or something chocolate based like a cheesecake.

13. All of us are very sad that you’re departing soon, what’s your next step?

I will be moving back to the Canadian Maritimes, specifically Nova Scotia and working as a veterinary radiologist. I will be employed with a company that provides radiology services to both private referral practices and academic institutions. I’m pretty excited that I will be consulting on cases for referring practitioners that are located all over the world. Additionally, when travel improves in the future, I’m hoping to periodically provide in-person locum services to both private practices and academia.

14. You’ve made some significant gains during the past few years, but especially during the last year and a half. What do you attribute that to?

Thank you so much, that means a lot! The answer to that is multifaceted. Within the last 1-1.5 years I shifted more into a mentoring role within my residency which also altered my schedule. Thankfully, this ultimately allowed me to get to the gym more frequently/routinely. Prior to this, I did my best to try to get to Pallas as often and as consistently as possible. That being said, the biggest factor over this year (+), was working with coach Darrin/Performance Rx on a more regular basis. I can’t thank him enough for all of his invaluable coaching. It made all the difference for me to have that one-on-one time to hone in on particular skills. I was also able to partake in Performance-Rx’s strength and conditioning programs and was put in touch with Philippa Matusiak to optimize my nutritional needs. All of this, in addition to the daily Pallas programming and awesome coaching, helped me in making some gains.
15. Do you have a favorite animal?

That’s a tough one, there are so many really amazing species! If I had to choose I would say big cats (tiger/panther) or a Humpback /Orca.
16. What would you say to someone hesitant about starting CF?

I was that person. I had never touched a barbell, had minimal skill and my mobility was pretty terrible (yes, worse than it is now…). However, through some encouragement from some friends/colleagues, I went to foundations and gave it a go. I’m so glad I did as Crossfit has had such a positive impact on so many aspects of my life. I encourage anyone that may be on the fence to give it a try. Every workout can be molded to fit that individual’s needs and you don’t need to already be “in shape” to start….Crossfit truly is for anybody. You also won’t find a more supportive community (which will soon be known as your Fitfam) to be a part of.

Lauree Myler