March Featured Athlete - Angelica Carrington
1. Where are you from?
Laredo, TX
2. What brought you to ithaca?A job in residence life at Cornell back in 2012
3. What do you do for a living?I am a consultant/facilitator and Client Coordinator for Unsiloed, Inc.
4. What is your favorite local restaurant?That is tough decision, depends on the mood, however if I absolutely had to pick one would be Asia Cuisine.
5. What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer in Ithaca?I absolutely love the Finger Lakes Wine Festival in Watkins Glen, visiting the local lakes, and taking the kiddos hiking at the local trails.
6. What’s your athletic background or any prior fitness history?I played a few sports in high school, some club volleyball in college, and then walked into my first CrossFit box in 2016 at CrossFit of Ithaca.
7. What brought you to Pallas?After CrossFit of Ithaca closed, I did some online coaching and then switched to a local gym. I honestly missed the community, so many of my old CFI friends had joined Pallas coaching and as members so I walked in a couple years ago then absolutely felt right at home. I dabble back and forth because of schedules with the kids and hubby’s DJ schedule…however I am always welcomed back which is why I first was interested in joining.
8. What keeps you here?Pallas is such a beautiful community and there’s no judgement for being regular or not. As someone who isn’t originally perceived as an athlete per se, I never feel less than or that I don’t belong. Pallas coaches are amazing, extremely nice, and the members are wonderful. I love every time I come in and try to keep it up when I can.
9. What’s your favorite movement?Power Snatch & Squat Snatch….overhead squats…they are pretty ouch an even tie all three.
10. What’s your least favorite movement?Thrusters
11. What’s a goal you’ve crossed off your CF list?Oh wow I have soooo many…and I’m just getting back to the swing of it. The biggest go was that I stayed committed to CF pregnant with both my kids, had amazing healthy journeys pregnant and had two healthy kiddos as a result.
12. What’s a goal you’re working to achieve?I am trying to regain my consistency and strength. I’ve kept up with my fitness somewhat during my pause however the classes help keep me motivated and I’m loving lifting again.
13. If you could write a workout, what would it look like?Anything but with thrusters or wall balls…I love an EMOM. So I’d say a 15 EMOM of:
1 : 5 OHS
2: 10 power cleans
3: 10 cal row
4: 40 jump rope
5: rest
14. If you could only use one piece of equipment for the rest of your life, what would you use?Rower
15. Who’s your favorite athlete or team?In CrossFit: Annie Thorisdottir and Dani Speagle
Team…Dallas Cowboys
16. What’s the most memorable concert that you’ve ever been to?50 cent, Busta Rhymes and Jeremiah this past summer!
17. What do you do for self care?CrossFit honestly … coming to workout is the one hour I get to myself. Away from my phone, no kiddo needing help, or needing to respond to an inquiry…
18. Do you have any hidden talents?I grew up going to my family and then my parents ranch. I know how to herd cattle, care for them, feed them, and especially vaccinate them against disease.
19. Do you have a favorite author or book?Gloria Anzaldua and Roxanne Gay
20. What would you say to someone hesitant about trying CF?Just try it, and there’s no shame in needing to scale a workout if/when needed, and do it for yourself. I used to be so upset about scaling…it’s for the best so can feel accomplished and still get the stimulus of the workout. Also, Sometimes when we join…if we fall off, we may feel embarrassed to return when time allows…it’s ok! Pallas still has open doors and the coaches will help guide you.