15m – Dynamics – include kipping drills
10m – Squat Clean Thruster Review
**We will run 2 heats today, allowing athletes to judge each other.
WOD – EMOM to Failure:
1 – 3 Squat Clean & Jerks 165/110 + 3 CTB Pull Ups
2- 3 Sq Cl & + 5 CTB
3 - 3 Sq Cl & + 7 CTB
4 - 3 Sq Cl & + 9 CTB
5 - 3 Sq Cl & + 10 CTB
6 – 11 CTB
7 – 12 CTB, etc
*EVERYONE will complete at least an 8m amrap. When you fail to complete the work in the allotted time cap, you will AMRAP the round that you failed to complete for the remaining time.
**For instance – athlete completes 3 + 7 (minute 3), and then fails to complete 9 CTB before the 4 minute mark. The athlete will finish their set of 9 CTB, and then AMRAP 3 Squat Clean & Jerks and 9 CTB until the 8m mark.