15m- Dynamics
5m - Movement Prep
Strength/Skill - 9m EMOM:
1- 1m Weighted Plank (elbows)
2- 12 Thrusters 115/75
3- 7 Strict Pull Ups
MetCon - 10m AMRAP with partner, “You go, I go”:
5 Muscle Ups/CTB/Pull-Ups/Jumping CTB
8 Bar Facing Burpees
15m- Dynamics
5m - Movement Prep
Strength/Skill - 9m EMOM:
1- 1m Weighted Plank (elbows)
2- 12 Thrusters 115/75
3- 7 Strict Pull Ups
MetCon - 10m AMRAP with partner, “You go, I go”:
5 Muscle Ups/CTB/Pull-Ups/Jumping CTB
8 Bar Facing Burpees