15m – Dynamics
10m – Kipping Clinic
10m – Movement Prep
16m EMOM – every round is 45s of work/15s rest:
2-Row for Cals
3- Plank Hold (elbows)
4-Box Jumps 24”/20”
*Have athletes get in teams of 4 and setup a station together. They can setup in a rough lane running from the pull up rig out – select 2-3 pull up stations, then the rower, then some empty space, and then finish it with a box or two. They will each start on a station, and then march through the workout in the order above for 16m. Working for 45s and resting/transitioning for 15s. There is no need to keep score today as it will get REALLY crazy. Just encourage athletes to push themselves and get as much work done in each window as possible!