Featured Athletes - Julia & Wendy!

What's your athletic background?

I was a runner in high school; both a sprinter and long distance! I was on every cross-country and track & field team throughout middle and high school. Our teams were very successful and I’ve had wonderful opportunities to compete in multiple state championship meets in both sports. I love running and I loved the competition. All the support I found through my coaches and teammates in high school is so similar to what I have now at the gym. ~ Julia Tantillo

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Name: Wendy Tarlow

Job Title: Associate University Counsel, Cornell University

Where you grew up: West Hartford CT

Favorite band: Avett Bros

Hobbies: Crossfit, biking, hiking, acquiring pets

Fav food: Do Margaritas count as food?

What made you start CrossFit?

I started Crossfit back in 2009 when Clea Weiss opened the first Crossfit in Ithaca. I was looking for a new challenge, and I was hooked instantly. I was an original member of CFP. I’ve taken breaks over the years, but so glad to be back!

What's your athletic background?

I was a competitive freestyle skier. Over the years, I’ve taught a variety of fitness classes, also well as teaching downhill and telemark skiing, and windsurfing.

Everyone at CFP has really grown to love your relationship with Julia and we've been inspired by your togetherness during The Open. Have you guys always been like that or has CF brought you even closer together?

I am absolutely delighted (and a little surprised) that Julia chooses to workout with me every day! For me, there is no greater motivation than to try to earn her respect in the gym. For the many years of Julia’s running career, her dad and I were the cheering parents on the sideline. Training together takes our bond to a different level. I love to watch her improve and I love that she takes delight in my improvements. We are both fiercely competitive, so it’s fun to compete against her once in a while. I can beat her in a couple of WODs, but not for much longer.

Do you have any pets?

Don’t get me started. We have always indulged ourselves and our kids with animals: dogs, cats, chickens, and sheep. Julia is the resident “cat-whisperer” for her uncanny ability to tame the ferals that we bring home.

Favorite season & why?

Fall. No question. Hikes in the woods, cool temps, the season of our wedding.

What's your favorite book?

Traveling Mercies, by Anne LaMott

Do you have any siblings?

2 older sisters, 1 older bro.

What do your friends think about your doing CF?

A lot of my friends do CF. For those who don’t, including my dear husband, they all know that I’m a much nicer person when I start my day at CFP.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Doing muscle-ups in reality, not just in my dreams.

What are your CF goals?

I love to see how strong I can get, but my real passion is teaching. I would love to expand my fitness career by teaching CF. I think CF has tremendous potential for changing young and older women’s self-confidence and body image. I would love to be a part of that.

What CF goals have you already reached?

After two hip surgeries, I’ve had to retrain on most of the basic CF movements. For me, it’s been a huge accomplishment just to get back into the gym on a consistent basis and not to beat myself up for not being able to do what I once could. I haven’t been able to do box jumps for years. I did them in the Open. I also didn’t have TTB, but I got those in the Open too. These movements are clearly not a big deal for many other athletes at CFP. They are for me. I know it’s crazy, but each little accomplishment make me grin for days. Right now, I have only one goal: as Tim says, to “trust the process.” Show up, work hard, repeat again tomorrow. I love training with the 6 a.m. class and with the 7 a.m. crew of Brent, Andrew, Julie, and Julia.

What's your favorite movements?

Lifting heavy things.

Least favorite?

Running and the pull-ups that I don’t have.

If you could write a wod/strength piece, what would it look like?

I like to train my weaknesses, so probably something with running. And weighted walking lunges.

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring 1 piece of CF equipment with you, what would it be?

35lb kettlebell, without question.

If you could eat 1 meal with no ramifications of the macros in it, what would it be?

Nachos and margaritas.

What would you tell someone that's on the fence about joining CF?

Come talk to me. CF is not about the exercise. It’s about being part of a community of people who will motivate you, celebrate your successes, and help you reach your fitness goals.

Anything you'd like to add?

As Julia’s mom, I want to add a special thank you to all of the amazing women at CFP, including, but not limited to, Janessa, Jami, Kylie, Caitlin, Lyndsey, Julie, Rachel, and the whole 6 am crew. You are incredible role models for her, and thank you for that.

Name: Julia Tantillo

Job Title: Student @ Cornell University

Where you grew up: Trumansburg, NY

Favorite band: Hard question…I listen to anything and everything. Always love finding new music for my spin classes.

Hobbies: Crossfit, hiking, biking, knitting, eating

Fav food: Another hard question…either salmon or sweet potato fries

What made you start CrossFit?

I had always considered starting Crossfit when my mom got involved years ago. Once starting college, I got very involved with fitness, attending group fitness classes on campus and then becoming an instructor. It’s a great experience being able to be a positive influence for my peers. I think I was really starting to miss competing and working to get better at something. Back in the fall, I remember the day I started thinking about starting CF for real. I texted my mom and said “Would you come back to Crossfit if I did it?” she said yes and next thing I knew I was signed up for Foundations and now here we are.

Everyone at CFP has really grown to love your relationship with your mom and we've been inspired by your togetherness during The Open. Have you guys always been like that or has CF brought you even closer together?

I would say we’ve become closer through CF. Although she always cheered me on at races and was involved with my athletic life growing up, it’s a whole different experience to actually be working out together and having similar goals. It adds a whole new level to a typical mother/daughter relationship.

Do you have any pets?

Sure do! Some will say we’re running quite low right now in regards to numbers, but we still love our collection of cats, dogs, chickens, and sheep.

Favorite season & why?

Autumn – I love to watch the leaves changing color and having lots of apples to eat!

What's your favorite book?

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Do you have any siblings?

I have a younger sister, Sophia.

What do your friends think about your doing CF?

They think I’m crazy for waking up and going to bed so early (not the typical college schedule) but also say it’s super cool and impressive :)

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I’ll be out of school by then, no clue where I’ll be or what I’ll be doing but doing something that I enjoy and makes me happy. It’s all about enjoying the process right?

What are your CF goals?

Well, one goal was to simply compete in my first Open, so check! My other goals include to stay healthy, injury-free, and to continue to build strength and mental endurance. Oh and DUBs. I want DUBs.

What CF goals have you already reached?

I finished the Open, and I’m pleased with how it went! Other milestones include figuring out TTB, kipping pull-ups, and HSPU.

What's your favorite movements?

Burpees! Cleans! Wall-balls!

Least favorite?

Overhead squats, wall-walks, and snatches

If you could write a wod/strength piece, what would it look like?

Something with squat cleans, running, and burpees.

400m run



Squat cleans



400m run

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could bring 1 piece of CF equipment with you, what would it be?


If you could eat 1 meal with no ramifications of the macros in it, what would it be?

A huge bacon cheeseburger, side of tator tots, and finish it off with a coffee milkshake.

What would you tell someone that's on the fence about joining CF?

Do it. You don’t have anything to lose and you’ll have the support of the entire community as you’re navigating it all in the beginning. Just take a chance. You’ll be challenged and will grow in ways you never thought possible. And yes, anyone really can be an athlete and a superstar.

Anything you'd like to add?

There’s nothing but gratitude in my heart for all of the coaches and community members of CFP. The Open was a really special experience, seeing everyone come out to support each other every week. Even more special though, is waking up on a daily basis knowing that I’ll go down to the gym, put myself through a crazy hard workout, and no matter how I’m feeling or what my school workload is like, I’ll always have the smiling faces of the 6am crew to start my day off right. Thank you all for that! Keep kicking ass!

Lauree Myler