May Featured Athlete - Allen Gallow

Where are you from?

Groton, NY (Born and Raised)

What do you do for a living?

I am a mechanical engineer working at BorgWarner as a systems application engineer in the engine timing systems group.

Moe's or Chiptole?

Moe's. No question. Is it the queso?! The queso helps!

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What brings you to CrossFit Pallas?

The initial thing that brought me to CrossFit Pallas was the fact that I was overweight, out of shape and not happy about it! Seeing the unique combination of Olympic lifting and gymnastics was the element of the sport that made me want to choose CrossFit Pallas as the fitness style in which I would be curing my initial ailment.

What do you like to do outside of CrossFit?

The better question may be what don't I like to do outside of Crossfit? I fit the saying "Jack of all trades, master of none". Some of my more favorable things to do outside of Crossfit are to go stand up paddle boarding with my Fiance, go hiking/camping, travel, visit breweries with family, and well, drink beer!

Do you have a favorite brewery?

Locally I enjoy Hopshire, with a short travel I like to go to Prison City Brewery in Auburn, and then in Maine Bissell Brothers and Foundation Brewing Company are both great!

What's your favorite beer?

Either Maine Island Trail Ale from Rising Tide or Epiphany from Foundation.

What are your CF goals?

I try to have one Olympic lifting goal and one gymnastics/body weight movement goal at a time. The latest on this list is to improve my Squat Snatch form and to build strength/technique to get more than 1 Strict HSPU's in a row!

What are some CF goals you crossed off the list?

The three most recent goals that have been crossed off the lift have been a 400+ lb DL, and both ring and bar muscle ups.

What's your favorite meal?

Difficult question. Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and asparagus (and a nice IPA of course) is always good!

Made by you? Me and my girlfriend often cook this one together.

Do you like to cook?

Not as much as I like to eat!

Do you have a favorite CrossFit Athlete?

On the girls side: Camille Leblanc-Bazinet. On the guys side: Tim Paulson! No contest!

If you could write one wod, what would it look like?

FT: 800m run followed by 21, 15, 9 of Power Snatches, DUBS, and pull ups

What's the weight on that? Something not too heavy. Maybe 95lb?!?!

Any movements you hate?

Burpees and any variation thereof...

I heard we're doing 12.1 next week...just kidding ;)

Also, how come the day after I wrote these responses burpees were programmed into the workout? Is this just some scheme to find out what people hate??? LOL Just kidding.

Lauree Myler