July Featured Athlete - Lynette Brainard


1. Where are you from?

I am from Trumansburg NY

2. What do you do for a living?

We own Rogans Corner up near Ithaca College so I help my husband out at the store. I do the deli prep work part time so that I can still be home with my 9 and 11 year old boys. We also own a couple rental properties.

3. Do you have any pets?

Yes we adopted 2 dogs that were rescued from Kentucky. Brother and sister named Cody and Gabby. They are 1.5 years old now. We also have 2 cats named Coco and Zeus.

4. Do your children have any interest in CF yet?

Yes my children do have an interest in CrossFit. They loved the kids CF class when it was offered.

5. What brought you to CFP?

I had heard good things about CrossFit from a friend but was hesitant to join. Then my brother in law wanted to join a gym and I suggested CrossFit. I knew there were 2 gyms in town but he liked CFP better and since I wasn't going to join alone, I joined him. I had been searching a while for a gym that would work for me.

6. What keeps you at CFP?

A few things keep me at CFP. The programming. The community, I have met some pretty cool friends at Cross Fit Pallas. I love that I can just show up for an hour and get an awesome workout. I love theintensity of the workouts and I love that I see the change within myself, physically and mentally. I also enjoy seeing the change within others at the gym. I have a pretty competitive personality so I like that there are others that push me whether they realize it or not.

7. What's your favorite movement?

I think I would have to say the power clean

8. What's your least favorite movement?

Overhead squats

9. If you could write 1 WOD, what would it be?

I don’t want to write a WOD. That's why I love this gym because I don’t have to plan my own workouts. I will just leave it to the "AWESOME GAMES BOUND TIM"

10. What are some goals you've accomplished at CF?

One of my goals was to be in better shape and get toned. I think I have accomplished both of those. Techniques goals I have accomplished would be kipping pull-ups, kipping hand stand push-ups, double unders and toe to bars. During our progression programming my goal is always to surpass my original weight lifted. I have accomplished that each time.

11. What are future goals you have at CF?

My main goal will always be to get a muscle up!! I would also like to be able to do chest to bar and toe to bar consistently and do all the workouts RX. I would love to attend more competitions.

12. What's your favorite season?

Fall is my favorite season because of the color changes and temperature change. I love the smell of fall.

13. What do you like to do outside of CF?

Hang out with family and friends. Ride bikes and hike, go camping and have bon fires.

14. What do you do for self care?

I try to make healthy food choices. Recently joined ETP and quickly learned I was not eating enough. Other than that I go to CFP for my self care.

15. What's your favorite meal?


16. What's your favorite restaurant?

Don't really have a favorite, I like them all. I think with 2 growing boys I will have to say the all you can eat type...

17. If you could only bring one piece of exercise equipment to a deserted island, what would it be?

A kettle bell. Could probably get a total body workout with a kettle bell.

18. What would you tell someone that's on the fence about trying CF?

"Just Do It! You won't regret it, everyone is nervous or scared in the beginning, you’re not alone and everything is scalable!!"

Lauree Myler