August Featured Athlete - Shaun Bluenthal

1. What brought you into CFP?

I relocated  to Ithaca to get my undergraduate degree. The first thing I did when I got into town was locate a crossfit gym. 
2. What do you like to do in your spare time?

My interest is in regenerative production-landscape design, and holistic land management. I research principles and practices relating to those in my spare time. I'm a nerd.
3. What's your athletic background?

Swimming and surfing. 
4. Where are you from?

North Carolina
5. What do you do for a living?

 I'm a professional student. I believe that's how they categorize full-time adult undergraduate students...
6. What are some CF goals you've achieved?

Where do I even begin. I couldn't OHS more than 95lbs, I couldn't coordinate a kip let alone do any kind of muscle up, I couldn't double under, I could only hold a static inverted position, and the list goes on. I'm very pleased with my progression.
7. Anything on your list of goals you are looking forward to checking off?

I don't have a list of goals, at least movement or weight specific, with CrossFit. I attend classes because I don't want to be limited in this life physically. That's the beauty of CrossFit for me, my attendance is inversely proportional to my physical limitation.
8. If you could write a workout, what would it be?

Great question. I'd call it:  Boyle's Murph (Boyle's law is an experimental gas law that describes how the pressure of a gas relates to its volume. It is commonly used to explain the effects of lung volume under pressure/water)

Boyle's Murph:

100 meter underwater "rock run"

100 Pull Ups*

200 Push Ups*

300 Air Squats*

100 meter underwater  "rock run"

*wearing weighted plate carrier

Rock runs will be completed in a pool. Athlete runs on the bottom of the pool carrying a 32kg KB or equivalent weight. The purpose of the weight is to create negative buoyancy such that the athlete can firmly run (or walk) along the bottom. The athlete can surface at any time to breathe but the weight is to remain on the bottom. The run is complete when the "rock" has traveled 100 meters.
9. Favorite season and why?

Summer. Warm nights. 
10. What kind of music do you listen to?

11. Favorite food or meal?

Crab boil.
12. Beer/liquor/wine/other or none?

 Beer and Cider. Arguably the two most clever things humans have created from sunlight.
13. If you could bring one piece of exercise equipment and one book to a deserted island, what would it be?

Plate Carrier. Sketchbook.
14. What do you do for self care?

Floss band certain muscles.
15. How long have you had your dreads for?

7 years, but I haven't cut my hair for 9. Ill be a bald man one day and having  a relationship with my hair wont be an option forever. So for now on im hanging on to every strand of that relationship the healthiest way I know how, in knots.
16. Do you have any siblings?

I'm the oldest of 5. 
17. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

On a piece of land that I maintain. There's hammocks and rocking chairs and gratitude and the food is real f&%^ing good.
18. What would you say to someone who is hesitant about trying CF?

There's nothing more important than your health, half of which is physical. Act accordingly.

Lauree Myler