September Featured Athlete - Natalie French



1. Where are you from? Ithaca.
2. What do you do for a living? I'm a lawyer.
3. What drew you into CrossFit? I came to CFP because I wanted to be in better shape. The fittest people I knew all did CrossFit, and I was dying to see what it was like. I was hooked right away! Not only did it make me stronger and more confident, CFP has become a home away from home and is a true community of friends. 
4. What's your favorite movement? Handstand walks, box jumps and cleans.
5. What's your least favorite movement? Anything with the barbell overhead - woof.
6. If you could write a WOD, what would it look like? I'll leave that to Tim. I like the surprise. 
7. What are some CF goals you've accomplished? When I started at CFP, I had no clue what I was doing. I had never lifted weights before in my life! So, my goals were modest - learn and remember the movements, and get through workouts without dying. I've accomplished those, and so much more. I'm most proud about getting dubs - I never thought I'd be able to do them.
8. What are some goals you have on your list? I'm still fairly new to CrossFit, so I have so many goals on my list. But right now, I'm focusing on pull ups and rope climbs. For a bigger goal, I'd like to Rx the Open.
9. Beer, wine, cider, liquor or neither? Wine, for sure. In my next life, I'll skip law school and become a wine maker and Master Sommelier. 
10. Favorite season? Fall - the few weeks we get of it before it snows.
11. What do you do for self care? I stretch a lot and I do yoga regularly.
12. Favorite book or author? I don't have a favorite. I just finished reading When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi - I loved it. 
13. Favorite meal? Locally, I'd say a Pinesburger from Glenwood Pines. Or my mom's chicken and biscuits. 
14. Favorite restaurant? My favorite restaurant in the world is a tiny place called Nikolas Taverna. It's on a beach in Mykonos, Greece. Take a trip and go eat there - it's worth it.
15. What do you like to do outside of work and CFP? I love to hike with my dog, Gus, cook elaborate dinners for my friends and family, and I'm really into photography.
16. Do you have any animals? My sweet golden retriever, Gus. He owns me. 
17. Do you have a favorite CrossFitter? My favorite CFP coach, Kim Hamilton. Does that count? She literally lifted me up and helped me do a pull up during my first workout.  
18. What would you tell someone hesitant about trying CF? Just show up! Register for the Foundations course and fight through the nervousness of your first few classes. It's OK to not know what you're doing. It's life changing! 

Lauree Myler