November Featured Athlete - Paula & Hannah Geary Young
Where are you from: Paula- Concord, New Hampshire (Paula) / Hannah - Westfield, NY - which happens to be Welches HQ!
What do you do for a living: Paula - Crisis Monitor TST BOCES / Hannah - Phycologist at Unity House
What brought you to Pallas: Paula - I wanted a change from the gym I was going to and didn’t feel like it was a fit any longer. / Hannah - CrossFit looked challenging, so we set up a meeting with Tim and were sold!
What keeps you around: Paula - Timmy P fittest Man in NY 😉, but seriously, the people, the challenge, I believe in the 3 P’s (purpose, positivity, process) I had to check my ego and look at what I can do not what I can’t do, looking at the long haul not the short term, mentally being able to do CrossFit WODS has prepared me for life WODS. / Hannah - The people, the stuff I can do, the stuff I might be able to do, and the stuff I will never do but will strive to do.
What’s a goal you crossed off your CFP list: Paula - ROPE CLIMBS, dubs, but still working on stringing them together. Hannah - A kHSPU with an ab mat!
What’s a future goal you want to hit: Paula - Kipping Pull Up / Hannah - Kipping pull up & TTB
Whats your favorite movement: Paula - Clean & Jerk / Hannah - Clean
Do you have a least favorite or do you love them all: Paula - Overhead Squats, I struggle with overhead movement due to shoulder mobility. / Hannah - Squat Snatch
If you could write a WOD, what would it look like:
Paula - 4 Person Team WOD, 1 min at each station, 20 minutes:
Row cals
AAB cals
Ski cals
Then into some accessory work 4 rounds
10 skulll crushers
10 floor press
Hannah -
For time: 100 Pushups
E2MOM: 200m run
Whats your favorite season and what do you like to do during that season: Paula - Summer-play ball, hike and get outside. / Hannah - Summer - same!
Beer/liquor/wine/cider/all/none/some: Paula - Depends on mood / Hannah - Cider
What song really gets you going: Paula - heavy metal / Hannah - Old School Jock Jams!
Favorite book or author: Paula - Harry Potter books and author Jon Krakauer / Hannah - the most recent book I read: “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett
What’s your go to meal in a pinch at home: Paula - Grilled chicken, broccoli and beets / Hannah - Naan pizza
Whats your favorite restaurant in the area: Paula - Gola Osteria / Hannah - Just A Taste
Can you tell us a fact about yourself that not many people know: Paula - I went back to college at 48 and got my degree. / Hannah - I played french horn for 10 years.
How many animals do you have: Paula & Hannah -3 indoor cats, 1 outdoor cat named buddy and Monty our dog.
What would you tell someone hesitant about starting CrossFit: Paula - Just give it a try, it will change your life. / Hannah - Just come for a week - the people are awesome, everything is scalable and CrossFit is for EVERYONE!