October Featured Athlete - Shawna Fulkerson
1. Where are you from? I was born in California, but have lived nearly my whole life in Spencer, New York
2. What do you do for a living? I am an Admissions Processing Coordinator for Cornell’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and for fun, also Brewtender at Garrett’s Brewing in Trumansburg.
3. What brought you into Pallas? I was sitting by myself in my car, drinking a Pepsi and eating a large bag of Salt and Vinegar chips (and hating myself for it), waiting for my son to get out of a 3 hour wrestling practice at Cornell one night. I was scrolling Facebook, and someone posted a picture of their Mom getting her first box jump. I had always thought that Crossfit was for younger, fitter athletes, so it inspired me to look for a Crossfit box in Ithaca and start a true journey to better health. CFP popped up instantly, and I emailed Tim that night!
4. What keeps you around? Everything. All. Of. It. From the amazing people that I see every day, that support each other and laugh together, to the WODs that test every fiber in me, all the way to my soul. Oh and the dogs. (I’m still trying to convince Eamon to get a Box Cat though.)
5. What's a goal you crossed off your CF list? Dubs! I am finally getting them more consistently now. They have been a far reach for some time, but I got some great tips one day from Jami and things just started to click.
6. What's a future goal you want to hit? I’d love to get a kipping pull up! That is my next goal in 2020. To increase my arm and grip strength.
7. What's your favorite movement? Snatches. From start to finish, it’s all about how powerful your body can be as a whole. I’m still working on perfecting mine, but it’s the one that I feel the strongest when I’m doing it.
8. Do you have a least favorite or do you love them all? Running! I’m currently working on my cardio with Darrin. Someday my legs won’t feel like 50lb kettle bells right? Right? Just say Right…
9. If you could write a WOD, what would it look like?
For Time:
1000 meters on the Assault Bike
20 wallballs
10 heavy deadlifts
2 Dog Scratchies
2 Cold Beers
10. What's your favorite season and what do you like to do during said season? I love summer. It’s really a time to recharge and enjoy being outside without so many layers on. It’s a very freeing season, mind, body and soul. I have a convertible VW Bug, so driving anywhere with the top down is my favorite! (and yes, I AM enjoying my midlife crisis actually!)
11. Beer/liquor/wine/cider/all/none/some? Beer! Specifically craft beers in the last few years. My husband has deemed me a “Beer Snob”.
12. What song really gets you going? I made a Spotify Mix titled “Badass Women” and it’s a mix of songs from Iggy Azalea, TLC, P!nk, Missy Elliot, Brittany Spears, etc. Girls gettin’ it done!
13. Favorite book or author? John Sandford. My sister got me his book “Winter Prey” that started me down the dark path of serial killer novels.
14. What's your go to meal in a pinch at home? My monster grilled chicken salads. I throw everything but the kitchen sink in them. It takes up an entire dinner plate.
15. What's your favorite restaurant in the area? Doug’s Fish Fry. I dream about that coleslaw.
16. Can you tell us a fact about yourself that not a lot of people know? I work with my husband, Blue, in his custom cabinet shop on the weekends. I’m his #1 employee, next to the dog.
17. How many animals do you have? Currently, we have 4. One Great Dane puppy named Fry, and 3 extra large cats, that we call The Furry Faced Assassins. Neo, Finn and Lincoln. They are master slayers of the rodent world.
18. What would you tell someone hesitant about starting CrossFit? Just walk in the door on Day 1. That is really the hardest part. Everything after that is easy. Well, not burpees…those are never easy. J