December Featured Athlete - Zhengze Zhou


1. What brought you into Pallas?

I went to find a place and a community to keep fitness while I am in Ithaca.

2. What have you gained from joining PF?
Community, friends, and of course fitness.

3. How has your fitness changed in the past 6 months?

We are still living in the COVID era for the past 6 months. Pallas has given me the opportunity to keep working either by remote instructions or carefully designed indoor classes.

4. What’s your favorite movement?
Push press and deadlift!!!

5. What’s your least favorite movement?
Anything related to handstand

6. If you could write a WOD what would it look like?
21 - 15 - 9 reps for time:

calorie on machine

push press

TTB; K2C; V-ups

7. What are some goals you’ve crossed off your list?
There are several: Learn to snatch and clean & jerk, correct movement of deadlift and kipping pull ups (but still working on).

8. What are some future goals you have?
Gain muscles and keep working on handstand.

9. What do you do for self care?
Nothing in particular. Maybe massage gun occasionally?

10. Where’s your favorite place to eat out in the area?
Mitsuba, but only take out now.

11. Winter, spring, summer or fall?

12. Liquor, wine, beer or cider?

13. What do you do for a living?
Graduate student at Cornell.

14. Where are you from?

15. What’s a random fact you could share with the Pallas community?
I was obese when I was in 5th grade, so being active is important to me now.

16. If someone was hesitant about joining us, what would you tell then?
Try out one workout with me!

Lauree Myler