January Featured Athlete - Anna Golding
1. What brought you into Pallas?
Moving across the world from Australia, I needed to find some friends and some fitness and... (insert Pallas pre COVID).
2. What have you gained from joining PF?
Weight!! In muscles and then in baby! I have gained some great friends, a sense of home away from home, guidance through a healthy and fit pregnancy, and a safe place to journey through postpartum in the year of COVID.
3. How has your fitness changed during COVID times?
It hasn’t! Though I definitely miss partner wods and fitness with friends.
4. What’s your favorite movement?
I used to love burpee box jump overs before I had a baby (weird).
5. What’s your least favorite movement?
Now I’d have to say burpee box jump overs!
6. If you could write a WOD what would it look like?
Give me any kind of long chipper!
7. What are some goals you’ve crossed off your list?
I did my first ever strict pull-ups and bar muscle ups before pregnancy.
8. What are some future goals you have?
Getting the pull-ups back will happen... one day.
9. What do you do for self-care?
Good question. So hard this year being a new Mum and not being able to do some of the usual things. I’d have to say working out and talking to family back home.
10. Where’s your favorite place to eat out in the area?
Right now I’m dreaming of the pesto, apple, Gouda toastie at Finger Lakes Cider House.
11. Winter, spring, summer or fall?
Gosh, give me summer over this cold any day! Now I’m dreaming about the beaches back home.
12. Liquor, wine, beer or cider?
13. What do you do for a living?
Stay at home Mum at the moment, and I’m also a mental health social worker
14. Where are you from?
The Atherton Tablelands in Queensland, Australia
15. If someone was hesitant about joining us, what would you tell them?
It’s a very positive community and anyone of any ability is welcome and will be supported. Plus, you kinda get fit too.