April Featured Athlete - Dom Gagliano
1. Where are you from?
Born in Long Island and until moving here in 2013, lived in various boroughs of NYC, mostly Brooklyn.
2. What do you do for a living?
A bunch of things...primarily the Program Director for WRFI Community Radio. Also a record seller, eBay slinger and hockey referee.
3. What brought you into Pallas?
A friend of ours in Philly really excelled and changed his entire body doing it. He recommended it. I was looking for a new workout regimen so CF seemed like a good one to try.
4. What keeps you around?
Primarily my fellow CF'ers who keep me motivated and the great coaching staff led by Tim. Being in a class environment, really helps push me further and really love the training from Darrin who would typically lead the classes I went to. Also constantly varied workouts and challenging movements. I never thought I would be learning barbell movements, climbing ropes and attempting muscle ups. During the Coronavirus times, it's harder but Instagram vids help keep me accountable.
5. What's a goal you crossed off your CF list?
Never did a rope climb before, did that some! Still working on other goals. I've gotten HSPUs, but working on stringing more. Same goes for double-unders.
6. What's a future goal you want to hit?
Consistent double-unders and HSPUs, plus the elusive muscle up.
7. What's your favorite movement?
I'll say clean & jerk and wallballs. And cardio in general.
8. Do you have a least favorite or do you love them all?
Overhead squats are quite tough for me, don't particularly enjoy them. Always fear the AAB of course.
9. If you could write a WOD, what would it look like?
The more movements the better, I like a lot of stations. A little bit of everything.
10. What's your favorite season and what do you like to do during said season?
Autumn and just being outdoors as much as possible. Also the start of hockey season.
11. Beer/liquor/wine/cider/all/none/some?
A little of each, though rye whiskey my fave.
12. What song really gets you going?
So many but let's say "To Hell With Good Intentions" by McClusky.
13. Favorite book or author?
"Please Kill Me" by Legs McNeil / Gillian McCain as well as "The Crying Of Lot 49" by Thomas Pynchon.
14. What's your go to meal in a pinch at home?
Poached Eggs, Salad Greens, pickled red onions, brown rice and green garlic sauce.
15. What's your favorite restaurant in the area?
Cent Dix. Everything we've had is always top notch.
16. Can you tell us a fact about yourself that not a lot of people know?
Big time record collector and DJ. I do a weekly radio show and DJ live when I can. I'm also a musician with a new band that was just getting going until Coronavirus.
17. How many animals do you have? 1 Cat, would love a dog for the family but I'm allergic.
18. What keeps you motivated to workout at home? I know a lot of CFP’ers are gaining inspiration from you!
Well I'm gaining motivation seeing everyone else get at it! It is very hard, I'm just now getting a regular time when I can workout but it was all over the place for a while. The WODs are crucial for me, really help me keep focus and keep stress at bay. Watching Tim's videos the night before is pretty key because it puts me in the right mindset to wake up the next day with the goal of getting the workout done.
19. What’s one thing that you’re doing to keep your sanity during this crazy time?
CF workouts for one. Also finally finding time for music and a little bit of downtime with my wife. I actually like seeing friends over Zoom too. Would've thought it would pale in comparison but it's been nice.
20. What would you tell someone hesitant about starting CrossFit?
Just drop in and try it out (when this is all over) or take on one of the daily at home workouts. My first impression was I felt at ease with the personalities and the community at CFP. It truly is a welcoming vibe and I've never felt like my skill level wasn't up to snuff or anything like that. I've met some good people and I like trying to meet my skills and my abilities to the people around me. It's been a lot of fun, I feel stronger and more equipped to take on the daily challenge of life. Certainly miss the gym a lot.