June Featured Athletes - Christine Kitano & Derek McKown


1. Where are you from?

Christine: Los Angeles, CA.

Derek: I grew up in a military family, so we moved around the U.S., but mostly lived in southern California.

2. What brought you to Ithaca?

C.: A doctoral dissertation fellowship, and after, a job at Ithaca College.

D.: I’m the “trailing spouse”—and then I.C. hired me as well.

3. What do you do for a living?

C.: Professor of English and Creative Writing.

D.: Me too!

4. How's shelter in place going? 

C.: Pretty well, actually. We’re eating better, less take-out. More chocolate, though.

D.: Well, we’re homebodies anyway. Though home has now become more like a burrow we emerge from to forage for food.

5. What do you miss most about the gym?

C.: Pull-up bars. Oh, and Miss Echo and Charlie.

D.: The Pallas Fitness regimen. I’d started doing it for quasi-rehab reasons when it opened and really liked Tim’s creative and comprehensive programming; you modulate and push the intensity according to your needs.

6. What are some CF goals you crossed off your lists? 

C.: My first strict push-ups and pull-ups, 2X-unders, and 5K run (just the other day!).

D.: Really, my goals have always been learning to do well as many movements as possible, as well as increasing strength and fitness. Along the way I was really happy when I hit 315# on my deadlift and a 145# strict press, and I’d just started finding the rhythm for butterfly pull-ups.

7. What are some future goals you have?

C.: Body-weight back squat.

D.: After back surgery and facing knee replacements, my goals, such as they are, have shifted radically—no more going for 1RM squats and Olympic lifts, alas. I’d really like to do a 7min. 2K row. And a bar muscle-up. And doing these when I’m 80.

8. Favorite CF movement?

C.: Power clean.

D.: Either kettlebell snatch or sandbag-over-the-shoulder-throw.

9. Least favorite movement?

C.: Squat snatch.

D.: Thrusters, definitely.

10. If you could write a partner workout, what would it look like?

C.: Synchronized burpees for time.

D.: That’s just mean.

11. What do you do for self care?

C.: My entire life is self-care. And eating veggies.

D.: I’m somewhat confused by the whole notion of “self-care.” Yelling at the TV? Long, hot showers? Popcorn o’clock?

12. Where's the first restaurant you'll eat out when things open back up?

C.: Gorgers Subs.

D.: Well, sadly, we’ll have to see who’s still open…but let’s say Maxie’s—oysters and clams, the shrimp and grits with andouille, a brain-freeze-cold martini (3 olives).

13. What's your favorite meal to cook at home?

C.: Any kind of curry.

D.: Refried beans—with my fancy Rancho Gordo heirloom beans.

14. Favorite season?

C.: Spring.

D.: Fall. Cool, wet, low clouds, clueless students—I love it.

15. Liquor/beer/cider/wine/all/some/none?

C.: Lucky Hare Falcon Punch—we have it in the fridge right now!

D.: It’s above 60 degrees, so tequila. Below 60 calls for bourbon. And Lucky Hare year round.

16. What's one piece of CF equipment you couldn't live without?

C.: Kettlebell.

D.: I’d have to agree, the kettlebell, moderately heavy, because it’s so versatile. I also really miss a heavy sandbag and plyobox.

17. What keeps you motivated?

C.: The Zoom classes.

D.: Christine does. And vanity to an extent. And the deep desire to be as strong and fit as possible for as many years as possible—the zombies are coming.

18. What would you tell someone hesitant about starting CF?

C.: I am the most un-athletic, uncoordinated person on the planet—if I can do it, so can you.

D.: To quote Kyle Reese from Terminator, “Take this kettlebell, if you want to live.” 

Lauree Myler