May Featured Athlete - Dan Longaker

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1. Where are you from?

Ithaca, NY

2. What do you do for a living?

Director of Health Informatics at Cornell Health, Cornell University.
3. What brought you into Pallas?

A member introduced me to home WODs during the pandemic. Got hooked and joined up.

4. What are some goals you've hit?

Kipping Pullups. Overhead squat with weight (when I started, I could not do this movement with anything other than PVC pipe).

5. What are some future goals you have?

Short term goals - consistent dubs and chest to bar. Long term goalsl - Rx movements and weight for every workout. Those damn 50# dumbbells keep eluding me.

6. If you could write a METCON, what would it look like?

I love body weight grinds. So....... 5x's (10 burpees + 200m AAB) followed by 20x's (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 air squats) and then repeat the 5x's (10 burpees + 200m AAB). There is no time cap and you have to wear a tiara throughout. I'd call it: "Princess Franken Murph."

7. What's your why?

To feed the fire.

8. Can you tell us a little about your experience doing CF so far?

Since I started during the pandemic, I have yet to attend an in-person class without a mask. Everyone has been welcoming and supportive and I've never felt like I've been left out if I can't do some of the movements. Scaling and modifications are encouraged and helpful. I appreciate the varied tips and feedback I get from different coaches. I highly encourage newcomers to try classes with as many different instructors as possible. Really looking forward to a time when the masks can come off!

9. Do you have a favorite CrossFitter and why?

Nationally, no. Locally, Donna Atkinson, 'cause she's infectiously positive and INTENSE!

10. What's your favorite meal?

Yes. All of the above. Feed me.

11. What's your athletic background?

Rowed in high school and the start of college. Ultimate Frisbee fanatic in my twenties. Trail running has been a steady staple for the past 10 years.

12. If you had to use just 1 piece of equipment, what would it be?

Coach Tim Scheftic has instructed me to, when given a choice, always choose AAB. Therefore, Air Assault Bike.

13. Favorite restaurant?

Locally, Ithaca Beer Company, outdoors in late summer/early fall. A little slice of heaven on earth. Favorite of all I've been to, The Musso and Frank Grill in Hollywood.

14. What do you do for self care?

Talk therapy sessions.

15. Any more big adventures planned?

Two trail races in May 2021. Breakneck Point (Beacon NY) and Lucifer's Crossing (Treman Park). Planning a trip west in Sept,/Oct. to include climbing in The Tetons and as many shenanigans as possible.

16. Liquor/wine/cider/beer/all/none?


17. What would you tell 18 year old Dan?

Buckle up Buttercup.

18. Does pineapple belong on pizza?


19. Pick a super power and why?

Flying. Because, FLYING!!!

20. Any advice for someone hesitant to start CrossFit?
It's great to be a newcomer! I was one recently and the improvements and gains come quickly, especially if you stay consistent. Other attendees all remember when they were first starting out and will be encouraging and supportive.

Lauree Myler