June Featured Athlete - Janice Meyer

1. What brought you into CFP?
I found Seven Valley Crossfit last year, and was a newer member there for a little while but Unfortunately COVID hit, and they had to close. Dana recommended Pallas and I trust everything Dana says! My long-time friend Kylie was also a coach here at Pallas so that gave me the push to get in the door.

2. What have you gained from joining CF?

Humility! But also- education, strength and building blocks for some life-long fitness goals and aspirations.

3. What’s your athletic background?

I was a basketball player my whole life and fought MMA/Boxing professionally for 8 or 9 years

4. What’s your favorite movement?

I like the Snatch and Box Jumps.

5. What’s your least favorite movement?

6. If you could write a WOD what would it look like?

Burpee Box Jumps


Running maybe

7. What are some goals you’ve crossed off your CrossFit list?

I did half Murph on Monday- that was awesome. And I tried a team event last Month. My major goals are just to learn and improve- and stay the course for the long term and so far I can keep checking those off every day.

8. What are some future goals you have?

To master anything rig and kipping related. I am trying an individual beginner/intermediate competition at the end of this month too. I'd like to try and do an Rx competition one day or in the open next year.

9. What do you do for self care?
I go to bed at 8:30 every night and I drink a lot of coffee.....

10. Where’s your favorite place to eat out in the area?

Melodyland in Cortland

11. Winter, spring, summer or fall?


12. Can you talk more about fighting and how that has impacted your fitness?

I fought year round, day in day-out for about 8or 9 years. It gave me discipline, mental toughness and it was really the most insane and greatest experience. Fighting is definitely a survival fitness mentality. You have to learn to outlast your opponent physically and mentally. Footwork, hand speed, wrestling, some pop and bang, pack a punch- take a punch. But I also hung up the gloves after 30 fights, fighting through multiple injuries, drastic weight cuts, and a lack of awareness of strength and conditioning concepts. I know I had to find something just as extensive, challenging and taxing- but that also was going to benefit me long term.

13. What do you do for a living?
I work in Child-care in Cortland at the YWCA. I also coach Girls Varsity basketball at Cortland High School.

14. Where are you from?
I grew up in Poughkeepsie- but have lived in Cortland for almost 20 years.

15. What’s a random fact you could share with the CFP community?

I am a triplet...!

16. If someone was hesitant about trying CF, what would you tell them?

I would tell them that Crossfit meets you where you are. So many different types of people, athletes and competitors come to the gym every day and achieve exactly what they intended too. Everyone is different, but it is all celebrated.

Lauree Myler