October Featured Athlete - Debbie Beausejour

1. Where are you from?

Family Origin is Haiti but I was born and raised in Louisville Kentucky

2. What brought you to Ithaca?

Employment at Cornell University 

3. What do you do for work? 

Associate Director for Multicultural Affairs in The ILR School Office of Student Services 

4. What's your favorite fall activity in Ithaca? 

Apple Fest.

5. What's your go to meal in Ithaca if you're dining out? 

New Delhi Diamonds.

6. What about at home? Favorite home cooked meal? 

Haitian Food cooked by my Mother or some Soul Food.

7. Do you have a favorite ice cream flavor? 

Vanilla Ice Cream with Caramel Drizzle or Caramel Chunks.

8. What brought you into Pallas? 

Physical Health is important to me and I enjoy the challenge of CrossFit.

9. What's a goal you crossed off your CF list? 

To stay consistent with my workouts and challenge myself with every excercise.

10. What's a future goal that you're working towards?

To be able to do at least 2 pull ups. 

11. If you could write a workout, what would it look like?

Conditioning with jump rope, heavy deadlifts, and push press.

12. If you could only use 1 piece of equipment for the rest of time, what would you choose?


13. What do you do for self care?

Travel, style my natural hair, get my nails done, go for a hike or chill at the lake. 

14. What's your favorite show to binge watch? 

Proud Family.

15. What motivates/inspires you or keeps you disciplined?

The benefits that the physical has on my mental health and overall wellbeing. When I hit a new PR or make myself proud, it keeps me curious to what else I can do. 

16. If someone was hesitant about joining Pallas, what would you tell them?

Don't be hesitant, the coaches are great and helpful. The community is welcoming and inviting and we have a great time at Pallas.

Lauree Myler