November Featured Athlete - Adryan Pelosi
1. Where are you from?
Small town in the southern ADK. Johnstown, NY
2. What do you do for a living?
I get to break stuff as a test engineer for BorgWarner
3. If you aren’t from Ithaca, what brought you here?
4. What brought you into CFP?
A fellow CrossFit buddy, Paul, dragged me down and the rest is history.
5. What keeps you coming to CFP?
I’m a glutton for punishment... There’s always something to work on to be better. The community is awesome as well!
6. What are some CrossFit goals you’ve crossed off of your list?
My initial goal was to just get all the movements down. I’ve checked almost all off the list! But CF always comes up with new movements! My goal this year was to RX all the workouts if I’m proficient enough in the movements. I completed my first comp recently.
7. What are some future goals you have here at Pallas?
Get down the dreaded hand stand walks. I’ve had to put the most work into that movement, Murph with a vest and be in the top 50 percentile for the open
8. What’s your favorite movement?
Ring MUs. For a split second it feels like you’re floating
9. What’s your least favorite movement?
Wall walks give me anxiety
10. Chipper, couplet, strength, burner, all/none?
A good leg burner where it leaves you walking like a newborn baby deer
11. Where was your favorite vacation spot?
I dirt biked through the jungle of Costa Rica to the ocean and back. It was sick!
12. Where’s your favorite place to eat in Ithaca?
I have a trap door for old Mexico’s fajitas.
13. What’s your favorite dish to cook at home?
I’m a sucker for tacos. I like making those.
14. Winter/spring/summer or fall?
I appreciate all the seasons, I have a toy to ride for each one haha. Weather wise, fall in upstate NY is the best
15. Do you have a favorite book or author?
I like reading the farmers almanac every year
16. Tell us a bit about your history with dirt bike racing.
I was 6 weeks old strapped to my mom on a snowmobile. After that, you couldn’t get me off anything with a motor that went fast. I started taking racing seriously as a teen, racing both snowmobiles and dirt bikes. My life revolved around that. I pursued my professional license to race nationally. I scored a few points towards my license but kept injuring myself. I’ve toned it down since then (you’re welcome mom). Don’t get me wrong I still enjoy racing, but I just really love riding any chance I get. Motocross has brought me all over the US. I’ve met some of my best friends through Moto. I keep doing CF so I can continue to ride for as long as I possibly can.
17. You recently did a CF competition with Janice. What was that like?
Monsters are real. Janice persuaded me to join her and do my first competition (RX nonetheless). It was wild to see all these competitors in one gym crush the WODs like it was a Sunday stroll. We took away some positives as well as some things to work towards for the next one. I really enjoyed it and now that I got a little taste, I want more.
18. What would you tell someone hesitant about starting CrossFit?
I was hesitant at first starting CF as well. I was nervous about the movements, the structure, how it all worked. It seemed very alien to me. But the people and the coaches at Pallas are awesome humans! Everyone there is welcoming. I feel like I’ve made a little community with them. It also doesn’t matter on what level of skill or fitness you’re in. The coaches work with you to scale appropriately. At the end of the workout, you’ll be greeted with a “nice job” as you’re catching your breath. That keeps me coming back for more.