March Featured Athlete - Michael Allinger

1. Where are you from?

I grew up in Utica, NY but that was a long time ago.

2. What brought you to Ithaca?

My wife and I came to live in Newfield by way of New York City. We were looking for a good place to start a family.

3. What do you do for a living?

I work for Cornell as a Data Analyst. I'm also Town Supervisor for Newfield.

4. What do you like most about the Finger Lakes?

I love the community of musicians and athletes. When I'm not working, I love playing with musician friends or running some of the amazing Finger Lakes Trails.

5. What’s your favorite season and why?

I don't have a favorite. This year aside, I grow a little weary of dealing with a lot of snow so winter wouldn't be in the top three.

6. What’s your athletic background?

I began seriously thinking about my health after turning 40. I started biking a lot. Signed up for my first triathlon and started setting goals for myself. I did my first Ironman in 2012 and have done a marathon nearly every year since 2009.

7. What’s one of your proudest achievements?

Being dad to my amazing daughter.

8. What brought you to Pallas?

One of my musician friends thought I might like it and she was right.

9. What’s one goal you’ve accomplished at Pallas?

Getting out of my comfort zone.

10. What’s a future goal you have?

I really want to nail two skills: the handstand and the strict pullup.

11. If you could write a workout, what would it look like?

I leave that to the experts, lol.

12. Do you have a favorite athlete?

I really don't.

13. What’s your favorite restaurant in our area?

Tough question, we lost so many of the good ones the last few years.

14. Favorite dessert?

Lemmon bars

15. If you could only use one piece of (exercise) equipment for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A good pair of running shoes. I love that wherever I go I can find someplace to run.

16. If someone was hesitant about coming into Pallas, what would you tell them?

You couldn't find a staff more knowledgeable and a community more helpful in seeing you achieve your goals and discover some new ones along the way.

Lauree Myler