April Featured Athlete - Amy Green

1. Where are you from? Originally, San Diego, CA. Moved to Ithaca from Boulder, CO. 

2. What brought you to Ithaca? Cornell 

3. What's your athletic background? I used to be a figure skater and did gymnastics when I was younger. 

4. What motivates you? Good music, energy/people, helping people, upgrading yourself everyday. 

5. What's a CF goal that you've crossed off your list? Rope Climbs and RMU 

6. What's a future goal? Snatch 155#!

7. If you could write a METCON, what would it look like? Power Cleans, BMU, Pistols, T2B. AMRAP style. I love most movements, but gymnastics are my favorite. 

8. What do you do for work? Online Training/Nutrition Coach with Chalk Performance and my own company, Devoted Athletics. Side hustle: CrossFit Coach 

9. What do you do for self care? Epson salt baths and massages… but probably not as often as I should. Eating good food and naps when needed. 

10. How is Lily such a good pooch? Lots of training and training, treats, and love. 

11. Where's your favorite place to eat in Ithaca? Purity and Franco’s Pizza. 

12. What will you miss most about Ithaca? All of YOU of course!!! The hikes/gorges, and Fall. 

13. What's your favorite Trader Joe's treat? Oh man… I don’t know where to start! Peanut Butter filled pretzels and these chocolate peanut butter marshmallow bites (thanks Kylie)  that are delicious and dangerous! 

14. What are you looking forward to upon your return to Colorado? The trails, mountains, and seeing my good friends, and sunshine. 

15. You are such a bright light and we're all better people for having met you and worked out with you. What makes you shine so bright? Thank you so much. I believe in positive energy, and being kind to everyone you meet. You never know what someone is going  through in their life, and if I can make a positive impact, I am here for it. Everyone has a story to tell and something to learn from. I am also a free spirit and like to laugh at myself. Life is too short not to do that. Do all the things that bring you joy and make you feel alive. 

16. If someone was hesitant about joining Pallas, what would you tell them? Don’t be! You have to start somewhere, and this is a great place to start. The warmth of the coaches/members, knowledge everyone has, it’s very inclusive. One of the best gyms I heave ever been to. 

Lauree Myler