January Featured Athlete- Max & Eleanor
Where are you from?
Eleanor: I am from Fargo, North Dakota
Max: Grew up in Jersey, born in Soviet Union
How did you meet?
At a seminar in grad school, University of Michigan in Ann Arbor
Go Blue!!
How long have you been together?
Since 2011, coming up on 14 years
How long have you been in Ithaca?
Since 2020, yes during the pandemic, we weren't able to meet anyone for a year!
What is your education in?
We both studied Economics and Eleanor also happens to have a law degree!
What do you currently do for work?
Eleanor is a professor of Law and does research and teaches law students
Max is a professor of Economics and Public Policy
We are both at Cornell
What is your favorite part of your job and least favorite?
Eleanor: Favorite- The relationship I have with grad students. I do research with some Econ grad students, it's a unique relationship that I really enjoy. Least- DEADLINES
Max: Favorite-2 way tie, awesome colleagues and students. Least-So many emails, it never ends.
How do you feel living the semester schedule life?
The university schedule has long chunks of time that you can go on long trips, we’ve been to Colombia, Japan, and Germany to name a few places. It's pretty unique to be able to travel together and have the same schedule.
You are expecting your first child, CONGRATS, what are you most excited about and most anxious about?
Eleanor: Excited-Presenting the baby to our dog
Anxious-How are we going to both attend the same class at Pallas
Max: Most anxious about keeping it alive & how are we going to attend class together
Most Excited to be a dad
What brought you to Pallas?
How long have you been a member at Pallas?
Spring of 2022
What keeps you motivated to keep coming to the gym?
Nico brought us here, Sue keeps us here! 6pm class rules!!
What’s your favorite and least favorite CrossFit movement(s)?
Favorite: Max, back squat Eleanor, the snatch, I like how efficient it is, KBS a close second
Least: Max, the burpee and squat clean Eleanor, the burpee
What would your ideal WOD consist of?
Max: KBS, Deadlifts, Push-ups, Ring-Rows
Eleanor: 40 minute EMOM
Getting inverted
A movement that I can’t quite do, but am close to getting
Above WOD playlist/5 song max?
Eleanor:1980’s, early 90’s music, maybe a huge audio book about World War II, and I’m a BIG Springsteen fan
Max: Daft Punk
What’s your go to comfort food?
Eleanor: Cornichons
Max: Lox bagel
What is your go to outside the gym activity for self care?
Eleanor: going to movies, watching movies
Max: walking the dog
Do you have any pets? If so, type and name?
We have two pets:
Ike an almost 4 year old golden retriever
Winston is a 7 year old cat, 17# whale of a cat
Where is the coolest place you’ve visited?
Japan, Ishigaki Island
What book would you recommend to a stranger?
Eleanor: The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family by Erik Larson
Max: The Power Broker by Robert Caro
If you could live anywhere and money wasn't an issue, where would you choose?
Eleanor: Ann Arbor
Max: New York City
Tell us something about yourself that would surprise most people?
Eleanor: In college I did intramural boxing and I miss the violence
Max: I was on Reading Rainbow after emigrating to the US
What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to start at Pallas?
Eleanor: The Pallas community has an extraordinary range of abilities within each individual which is a huge part of its charm and what makes it so easy to start!
Max: It is a remarkably friendly place and just go, don’t wait!
Favorite thing about Pallas?
Phil and Cathy, 6pm-ers, there are a lot of role models here!