15m - Dynamics
Strength & Accessory - 15m EMOM:
1- 6 Good Mornings (moderate but perfect)
2- 6 Strict CTB Pull Ups (Pull Ups or 3x 3s negatives)
3- 6 Strict HSPU (add deficit if able, modify to pushups, upscaled as needed)
MetCon - 4 sets of 2m on/1m off (11m clock):
Burpee Box Climb Overs (regionals standard, hands may touch box on the way over, feet MUST touch) 30”/24”
*The reasons for doing these are...they are very low impact, great for a deload week. They are very functional, at it’s most basic level just climbing over an object. They allow athletes of all levels to move consistently, which is great.