12:00 AM00:00

Wednesday 5.31.17

15m - Dynamics

Strength & Accessory - 15m EMOM:

1- 6 Good Mornings (moderate but perfect)

2- 6 Strict CTB Pull Ups (Pull Ups or 3x 3s negatives)

3- 6 Strict HSPU (add deficit if able, modify to pushups, upscaled as needed)

MetCon - 4 sets of 2m on/1m off (11m clock):

Burpee Box Climb Overs (regionals standard, hands may touch box on the way over, feet MUST touch) 30”/24”

*The reasons for doing these are...they are very low impact, great for a deload week. They are very functional, at it’s most basic level just climbing over an object. They allow athletes of all levels to move consistently, which is great.

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12:00 AM00:00

Saturday 5.27.17

15m - Dynamics


1 Mile Run

100 Pull-Ups

200 Push Ups

300 Air Squats

1 Mile Run

*There are 3 stages to this workout…

1st year doing it - with a partner. Both of you run together, and then you do the workout chipper style, splitting the work evenly, 1 person works at a time.

2nd year doing it - solo, but Cindy style. 1 Mile Run, then 20 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats, 1 Mile Run.

3rd year doing it - you may attempt it chipper style. 100/200/300.

4th year doing it - you may put on a weight vest.

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12:00 AM00:00

Thursday 5.18.17

15m - Dynamics

15m - Warmup to working weights

30m to complete 4 giant sets:

Final Week!!! Let’s get it.

5 Back Squats

-60s rest-

5 Deadlifts

-60s rest

10 Dumbbell Strict Press

-3m rest-

Remaining Time - Mobility - Seated Straddle 3m. Saddle Pose 3m.

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12:00 AM00:00

Monday 5.15.17

15m - Dynamics

10m - HSW Drills

5m - Kipping Review


60’ HSW (in 15’ unbroken increments)

10 TTB

10 Deadlifts 32kg/24kg

60’/12/12, 60’/14/14, 60’/16/16

*For the deadlifts today, athletes will use 2 KBs or 2 DBs. Scaling for the 60’ HSW will be 4 wall walks.

**11m time cap

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12:00 AM00:00

Tuesday 5.9.17

15m - Dynamics

15m - Warmup to working weights

30m to complete 4 giant sets:

The goal is to add 5-10lb to the squat, 5-15lb to the deadlift, and if possible increase the

DB weights. Encourage athletes to go by feel, and not to be too aggressive too early.

5 Back Squats

-60s rest-

5 Deadlifts

-60s rest

10 Dumbbell Strict Press

-3m rest-
Remaining Time - Mobility - Seated Straddle 3m. Saddle Pose 3m.

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12:00 AM00:00

Monday 5.8.17

15m - Dynamics

5m - DB Hang Squat Clean Review

10m - Kipping Drills

MetCon - 20m AMRAP:

7 DB Hang Squat Cleans eac 50/35lbs

10 CTB Pull-Ups each

13 Box Jump Overs each 4”/20”

*The format for this workout will be simple, athletes will pair up with someone who is using the

same dumbbell weight as them, and alternate each movement. P1 7 DBHC, P2 7 DBHC, P1 10

CTB, P2 10 CTB, etc. Scoring will be traditional rounds and reps where a full round is each

person doing 7, 10, 13.

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