10m – Dynamics
15m – Snatch Review
15m – Establish a heavy 3 position snatch:
- From the pocket
- From the hang
- From the low hang
Notice this is slightly different than your ‘usual’ 3 position snatch, where we work from the hip crease
down to the floor. Today we will work a rep from the hip crease/pocket, then from the hang (above the
knee), and then from the low hang (come 1-2” below the knee).
The reason we are working from the low hang is to work perfect back angles/weight distribution around
that mid shin, and more importantly, to work the change of direction that should happen after the bar
passes the knee! Most athletes miss this piece of the snatch, and the bar ends up staying far away from
them the whole lift.
6m amrap:
3 Hang Squat Snatches 135/95
12 Push Ups