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WOD 012316

10m - Dynamics

10m - Pistol movement prep

10m - Strength Session:

4x10 Push Ups for Quality - add load if possible

4x10 Pistols for Quality - add load if possible


MetCon - FT (with a partner):


Air Squats while partner holds bottom squat

Double Unders while partner holds plank on hands

*15m time cap

**This workout will be formatted as follows:

P1 - Performs 40 air squats while P2 holds bottom squat. Then switch roles.

P1 - performs 40 dubs while P2 holds a plank on hands. Then switch roles.

P1 - performs 30 air squats while p2 holds bottom squat. Then switch roles.


Continue in this fashion until 10 and 10 are completed. Scale dubs as needed on an individual basis.

Earlier Event: January 22
WOD 012216
Later Event: January 25
WOD 012516