WOD 013016
Barbara Beer Mile
2 Rounds of Barbara:
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Air Squats
50 Sit Ups
Run 1 Mile
Chug a Beer (or water)
Barbara Beer Mile
2 Rounds of Barbara:
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Air Squats
50 Sit Ups
Run 1 Mile
Chug a Beer (or water)
10m – Dynamics
10m – Hang Snatch Review
15m – Strength:
10m AMRAP – Open 12.2:
30 Snatches 75/45
30 Snatches 135/75
30 Snatches 165/100
Max Snatches 210/120
*Masters/Recommended scaling weights - 45/35 then 75/55 then 100/75 then max reps at 120/90.
15m – Dynamics
10m – Gymnastics Strength:
15 KBS 24kg/16kg
15 CTB
*9m time cap
10m – Dynamics
20m – Strength – Back Squats:
10m – Movement Prep
7m amrap:
10 Power Cleans #135/#95
15 Box Jumps 24”/20”
15m – Dynamics
15m – Bar MU Clinic
15m – KB Hang Squat Snatch Clinic – Work to a heavy
Mainsite 151228
10 KB Hang Squat Snatch 24kg/16kg (left arm)
5 Bar Muscle Ups
10 KB Hang Squat Snatch 24kg/16kg (right arm)
5 Bar Muscle Ups
*10m time cap
10m - Dynamics
10m - Pistol movement prep
10m - Strength Session:
4x10 Push Ups for Quality - add load if possible
4x10 Pistols for Quality - add load if possible
MetCon - FT (with a partner):
Air Squats while partner holds bottom squat
Double Unders while partner holds plank on hands
*15m time cap
**This workout will be formatted as follows:
P1 - Performs 40 air squats while P2 holds bottom squat. Then switch roles.
P1 - performs 40 dubs while P2 holds a plank on hands. Then switch roles.
P1 - performs 30 air squats while p2 holds bottom squat. Then switch roles.
Continue in this fashion until 10 and 10 are completed. Scale dubs as needed on an individual basis.
15m – Dynamics
15m – Movement Prep
MetCon - Open WOD 15.1 - On a 15m clock:
Minutes 0-9 – AMRAP of:
15 TTB
10 Deadlifts 115/75
5 Power Snatches 115/75
Minutes 9-15:
Establish a Max Clean & Jerk
15m – Dynamics
20m – Movement Prep
20m clock - 4 Rounds each 3m long:
25 WBS 20/14lb to 10’/9’
7/5 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Squat Cleans 185/125
-Max Dubs in remaining time
*2m rest between rounds. All elements are designed to be done unbroken – scale reps and movements as needed so that time is available for double unders almost every round.
**A new round begins every 5 minutes. Everyone stops working after 3 minutes – so that 2 minutes of rest is given.
15m – Dynamics
5m - Movement Prep
10m Accessory EMOM:
E – 5 Good Morning (light – remind them how sore these made them last time!)
O – Max Dead Hang from the Pull Up Bar (1m cap)
3 Rounds for Reps (9m workout):
1m – Box Jumps 30”/24”
1m – Burpees
1m – Russian KBS 32kg/24kg
10m – Mobility & Stretching
15m – Dynamics
20m Front Squat:
5m – Movement Prep
MetCon – 10m Partner AMRAP:
P1 - 100’ OH Walking Lunge 45/25lb plate (pull up rig to bay door and back)
P2 – Max V-Ups
*Score 1 is total feet lunged (count lengths of the gym to make it easy)
*Score 2 is total number of V-Ups
**Partners will switch movements upon completion of the 100' walking lunge.
15m – Dynamics
10m – OHS Review – get some good quality reps in with bars or PVC pipe. Drill them, hold positions, etc. Use this time productively to try and perfect some OHS positions.
10m – Double Under & DL Brief
Every 5m for 5 Rounds (25m clock), start a 3m amrap of:
30 Dubs
15 Deadlifts 95/65
10 OHS 95/65
*Record score for each amrap.
15m – Dynamics
5m – Movement Prep
12m to complete:
For scaling the pull ups we will use the KB rows that we did last week. For scaling ring dips, use box dips – set them at a height that athletes can have their feet on the ground as an assist if they need it.
With a 12m clock in teams of 3, rotate every minute:
Station 1 – Rowing for Cals
Station 2 – TTB
Station 3 – 50’ Shuttle Sprints
*Have each team setup a rower in-front of a pull up bar. Shuttle sprints will be from the pull up rig, to the far pole of the muscle up rig (before the GHD, hyper, etc) and back.
15m – Dynamics
10m – Snatch Review
15m – Heavy Snatch Double (may drop between reps)
MetCon - 7m amrap:
5 Power Snatch 135/95
15 Air Squats
15m – Dynamics
20m – Deadlift
I can’t emphasize this enough – this single should be the most BEAUTIFUL, smooth, positionally perfect rep EVERY athlete has ever done. This is NOT designed to be a true 1RM test. PRs are not expected, and that is not the focus. Re-iterate this to athletes, please.
8m amrap:
10 Box Jumps 24”/20”
10 Russian KBS 24kg/16kg
10 Pull Ups
15m – Dynamics
EMOM for as long as possible…(20m time cap)
10 Burpees + 10 WBS 20/14 to 10’/9’
*If you fail to complete all 20 reps within a given minute BEFORE the 10th round (the 10th minute mark on the clock), the workout becomes an AMRAP of 10 burpees + 10 wbs, no EMOM constraints, to said 10 minute mark.
**To simplify that further, the minimum work any athlete will do is a 10m amrap of 10 burpees + 10 wbs. Athletes score for the day will be 2 fold: part 1 being how many rounds they successfully completed in the EMOM format, part 2 being their rounds and reps in the 10m window.
***If an athlete makes it PAST the 10th round, aka the 10th minute mark, still completing the work EMOM style, then their workout is over when they fail to complete said work.
Cash Out: 5x1m Plank holds on hands – add weight if possible.
15m – Dynamics
10m – Kipping Clinic for Pull Ups
15 CTB
10 Russian KBS 32kg/24kg
*4m time cap
-1m rest for all-
10 CTB
15 Russian KBS 32kg/24kg
*4m time cap
**This workout will be on a 9m clock. If an athlete completes the workout within the 4m time cap, then they earn extra rest. These are individual, grip burning, sprints.
Remaining Time – Childs pose with Lat Stretch, Banded Lat Stretch, Forearm Stretching, Foam Roll Lats.
15m – Dynamics
5m – Thruster Review
15m – Establish 2RM Thruster from Rack (NO JERKS ALLOWED!)
30 Thrusters 155/105
800m Run
30 FR Walking Lunge Steps (alternating, in place) 155/105
*12m time cap
15m – Dynamics
Gymnastics Strength – Take 10m to complete
The first thing we can scale, within reason, is reps. If an athlete can complete at least 5 reps of each movement, every set, then they can scale the reps to say 4x5 strict HSPU and 4x7 strict pull ups (just as an example). If they can complete 4 or less, they will complete ALL of the reps with the scaled KB movements.
10m – Kipping HSPU Clinic
MetCon – “Diane”:
Deadlifts 225/155
HSPU (regionals standard 25lb plates and ab mat)
*10m time cap
15m – Dynamics
20m – Power Cycle Back Squats
MetCon – 4 Rounds for Reps:
E – Max Pistols
O –Max Double Unders
Remaining Time – Stretching for Hips
*This workout is 1m max Pistol, 1m Max Dubs, repeat for 4 rounds (8 minutes).
15m – Dynamics
20m – Movement Prep – Include 5-8m of kipping drills for both gymnastics movements
MetCon – 16m amrap:
50 Burpee Box Jump 24”/20”
40 TTB
30 Power Clean #185/#125
20 Muscle Up
Access to a Gym:
15m – Dynamics
15m – Movement Prep
MetCon – FT: 5-4-3-2-1 of…
Power Snatches 205/135
Alt. Weighted Pistols (per leg) 16kg/12kg
Rope Climbs 15’
At Home WOD:
15m – Dynamics
MetCon - FT:
200 Walking Lunge Steps
*Every minute, perform 8 V-Ups (the workout starts with V-Ups).
Access to a gym WOD:
15m – Dynamics
10m – Establish a heavy Press + 2 Push Press (MFTD)
10m – Back Off Sets – 4x1+2 @ 80%.
50 Double Unders
20 Russian KBS 32kg/24kg
10 Push Press @ 65% of MFTD
Home WOD:
10m – Dynamics
15m – Perform a max set of push-ups. Then, perform 4 sets at 70% (example – max is 10, then 4x7)
Find somewhere hilly, and then with a 10m clock, alternate between: