WOD 112916
15m - Dynamics
10m - Ring Kipping Drills
MetCon - 12m amrap:
75 Dubs
15 Power Snatch 75/55
7 Muscle Ups
Mobility - Forearms & Hamstrings. Seated Straddle. Seated Fold.
15m - Dynamics
10m - Ring Kipping Drills
MetCon - 12m amrap:
75 Dubs
15 Power Snatch 75/55
7 Muscle Ups
Mobility - Forearms & Hamstrings. Seated Straddle. Seated Fold.
15m - Dynamics
10m - TTB Kipping Clinic
MetCon - 5 rounds every 4m:
25 KBS 32kg/24kg (all the way overhead - be virtuous)
20 Alt. Pistols
15 TTB
*Rest remainder of the time
Mobility - Forearm Stretching & 5m Saddle Pose.
15m - Dynamics
10m - HSPU Clinic
MetCon - 6 Rounds every 3m:
12 Thrusters 95/65
12 Box Overs 30”/24”
*Each round is individually scored for time.
10m - Dynamics
10m - Clean Review
Strength - 7 sets with ~2m rest:
1 Squat Clean + 4 Front Squats at exactly 70% of most recent 1RM Clean
MetCon - For Total Time:
30 Bar Facing Burpees
-30s rest-
30 Over the Bar Burpees
15m - Dynamics
10m - Kipping Clinic
Partner Workout:
10m amrap:
P1 - 200m Run
P2 - Max WBS
-2m rest-
10m amrap:
P1 - 200m Run
P2 - Max TTB
15m - Dynamics
10m - Hang Squat Snatch Technique
Strength - 5m to build up to ~70% of 1rm snatch
Every 90s for 8 sets (12m clock):
● 2 Hang Squat Snatches, 2s pause in the bottom.
15 Box Jumps 24”/20”
10 OHS 135/95
*7m time cap
15m - Dynamics
10m - Running Technique and warm up drills
MetCon - 8 Rounds:
400m Run
-1m rest between efforts-
*The goal for today is to run CONSISTENT EFFORTS that are around your 1 mile PR pace.
For instance, if you have a mile PR of 6:00, the goal is to run 1:30 every time.
Mobility - Runners Stretch 1m/side. Seated Straddle 3m.
*Weather WOD...
5 rounds every 4m:
50 Dubs
25 Russian KBS 24/16kg
Max unbroken sHSPU
Max unbroken sPull-Up
Score is total sHSPU and total sPU
15m - Dynamics
10m - Jerk Technique Work
Strength/Technique - 15m to establish:
● Heavy Single Pause Jerk
*The scheme for the pause will be 2 seconds in the bottom of the dip, and 2 seconds in the
catch position. Go by feel - technique and full pauses are paramount.
MetCon - 3RFT:
30 Air Squats
10 S2OH 165/105 (or 60% of what you hit above)
*8m time cap
10m - Dynamics
10m - Squat Clean Review
Strength - 20m to establish a 1rm Squat Clean
Metcon - FT:
25 Bar Facing Burpees
25 Front Squats 205/135 (or about 60% of 1RM clean)
25 Bar Facing Burpees
*8m time cap
15m - Dynamics
10m - Ring Muscle Up Kipping
14m amrap:
Ring Muscle Ups 2/4/6/8/10/12…
15 WBS 20/14lb to 10’/9’
*Competitors will use 30/20lb
15m - Dynamics
5m - Deadlift Setup Prep
Strength - 20m to establish 1RM Deadlift
*Encourage athletes to use a similar build up scheme to last week, but only 1 rep at each percentage (versus two). Rather than 98%, however, they should be aiming for 102-105%.
MetCon - FT:
1 Mile Run
15m - Dynamics
10m - Kipping HSPU Clinic
MetCon - 10m amrap:
50 Double Unders
12 sHSPU
1 Legless Rope Climb to 17’
Monday - Heavy & Spicy
15m - Dynamics
10m - Squat Clean Thruster aka “Cluster” Review
Strength - 15m to establish a max Cluster
MetCon - 7m amrap:
Bar Facing Burpees
*EMOM perform 2 Clusters at 165/105. The workout starts with clusters.
**Coaches - use the FGB timer for this workout so it beeps every minute, reminding athletes to lift.
15m - Dynamics
15m - Movement Prep
MetCon - 15m AMRAP, relay style with a partner:
10 OHS 135/95 (These should be light-ish, unbroken sets)
50 Double Unders (should be an unbroken set, scale appropriately)
*Tag your partner, and it’s their turn!
15m - Dynamics
Strength - 25m to complete:
7x1 Deadlift 83/83/88/88/93/93/98%
Superset with 5 strict TTB/straight leg raises as high as possible
*The hope for the deadlifts today is to pull a rep VERY close to your last tested 1 rep max that feels strong and smooth. Building both confidence and priming the system for next week’s deadlift test!
MetCon - FT:
0:00 - 400m Run
2:00 - 200m Run
3:00 - Max Unbroken Pull Ups
*Please politely remind athletes not to be stupid and tear their hands :)
15m - Dynamics
10m - Movement Prep
50 Calorie Row
-2m rest-
50 WBS 20/14lb to 10’
-2m rest-
50 Thrusters 95/65
*Score is total time. Approach each effort as a sprint.
Remaining time - stretching for glutes and quads. Saddle pose, Pigeon Pose, Seated Straddle.
15m - Dynamics
15m - Bar Muscle Up Drills
MetCon - 12m amrap:
*800m Run Buy In, then amrap...
6 Bar Muscle Ups
4 Power Cleans 225/155 or 70% of Clean
200m Run
Mobility - Twisted Cross 90s/side. Puppy Dog 2m. Basic forearm stretches.
15m - Dynamics
5m - Squat Prep
Strength - 20m to complete:
Back Squat 10-10-10
MetCon - 7m amrap:
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24”/20”
7/5 sHSPU
*Today we are going to scale with 5 reps of a light barbell strict press.
15m - Dynamics
15m - Movement Prep
4 rounds of 3m on/2m off:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
*The weight will descend each round. Rx loading is - 205/135 - 165/115 - 135/95 - 95/65
**Recommended scaled loading is - 135/95 - 115/75 - 95/65 - 75/55. Obviously, we can scale
further as needed!
15m - Dynamics
5m - Legless Rope Climb technique review
Strength - 10m EMOM:
E- 1 Legless Rope Climb to 15’, must descend hand over hand holding an L-Sit to seated
O- 15 Push Ups
*Athletes may scale the legless rope climb with legged rope climbs (if they have them) or 5 strict
pull ups, modified as needed.
15 WBS 20/14lb to 10’/9’
10 TTB
*10m time cap. Competitor’s will use 30/20lb wall balls
15m - Dynamics
20m - Movement Prep
MetCon - 15m amrap:
400m Run
30 OH Plate Lunges 45/25lb
20 Box Jumps 30”/24”
10 Ring Muscle Ups
15m - Dynamics
Strength - 25m to complete:
● 5x4 Deadlifts at 78/78/83/83/88%
● Superset with 10 sHSPU (scale to a Dual KB strict press. No pushups since we are
doing them later in the week)
8 rounds (4m) of tabata:
● Over the Bar Burpees
*The tabata is 20s on/10s off.