12:00 AM00:00

Sat 12.30

10m - Dynamics - 3 rounds at a warm up pace of run down & back three times, 10 KB Deadlifts, 10 Russian KBS, 10 Glute Bridges.

MetCon - 20m amrap with a partner, you go, I go:

10 KBS 24kg/16kg (all the way overhead)

8 Burpees

*If you do not have a partner, rest the equivalent amount of time it took you to complete one round.

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12:00 AM00:00

Thur 12.28

10m - Dynamics - 3 rounds at a warm up pace of run down & back three times, 10 good mornings, 10 kip swings.


30-20-10 Alt. Dumbbell Snatches 50/35lbs

30-20-10 Box Jumps 24”/20” (no rebounding allowed)

15-10-5 Bar Muscle Ups

*This workout is performed 30 DBS, 30 Box Jumps, 15 BMU, 20 DBS, etc...

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12:00 AM00:00

Wed 12.27

10m - Dynamics - 3 rounds at warm up pace of 50 single unders, 10 scap pull ups, 5 inch worms with 2 pushups at the bottom.

MetCon - 4RFT:

500m Row

50 Double Unders (100 singles)

15 HSPU (dumbbell push press 50/35lbs)

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12:00 PM12:00


10m - Dynamcis

MetCon - 20m AMRAP, You Go, I Go:

8 Burpee WBS 20/14lbs

4 Muscle Ups (6 CTB/PU/Jumping CTB)

*Competitor’s use 30/20lbs.

**It’s exactly what it sounds like - you will do a burpee, pick up your WB, do a WBS, and then CATCH the ball before dropping it and going into your next burpee.

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12:00 AM00:00


10m - Dynamics

10m - Prep

Metcon - 10m AMRAP - Mainsite 171209:

20 WBS 30/20lbs to 11’/10’

10 Strict Pull Ups (ring rows)

Accessory (rest of class) - 3 giant sets:

14 Alternating Dumbbell Curls (5/arm)

14 Push Ups

14 Banded Tricep Extensions

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12:00 AM00:00


10m - Dynamics

10m - Muscle Up Prep

5m - OHS Prep

MetCon - On a 12m clock accumulate as many burpee over the bar as possible...

Every 2 minutes, including the start of the workout, perform:

  • 7 Deadlifts 135/95

  • 5 Overhead Squats 135/95

  • 3 Muscle Ups (or 6 CTB/Pull Ups/Jumping CTB)

Mobility - Saddle & Seated Straddle

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12:00 AM00:00


10m - Dynamics

4 Rounds of 3m on/1m off:

10 Alt. Jump Lunges (5/leg)

8 Alt. Dumbbell Snatches 50/35

10 Air Squats

8 Alt. Dumbbell Snatches 50/35

Mobility - Single Leg Saddle Pose 2m/side & Pigeon Pose 1m/side

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12:00 AM00:00

Saturday 12.9.17

10m - Dynamics

15m - Movement Prep

MetCon - FT with a partner:

200 Double Unders (3 singles count as 1 double under)

100 Burpees to a plate 45/25

100 OH Plate Lunges 45/25

100 TTB

100 KBS 32kg/24kg

*Partners may split work however and whenever they want.

*30m time cap. Comp will do 300 dubs. May modify dubs number down, obviously!

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