12:00 AM00:00

Saturday 7.1.17

15m - Dynamics

10m - Snatch Prep

10m - Establish a heavy single snatch for the day

*This is a short window. We are using it to establish a number for the workout afterwards.


20 Snatches (any style) 205/125 (or 75% of max for the day)

20 Muscle Ups (30 pull-ups/CTB/jumping PU)

*10m time cap

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12:00 AM00:00

Tuesday 6.27.17

15m - Dynamics

The format - 25m to complete:

7 sets each day:

Set 1 - 5 reps at 81%, 5 strict pull ups

Set 2 - 3 reps at 85%, 5 strict dips

Set 3 - 1 rep at 94%, 5 strict pull ups

Set 4 - 1 rep at 94%, 5 strict dips

Set 5 - 1 rep at 94%, 5 strict pull ups

Set 6 - 3 reps at 85%, 5 strict dips

Set 7 - 5 reps at 81%, 5 strict pull ups

*Add weight to the gymnastics if possible.

*It should only take 3 sets to reach 81%% of your 1RM for your first working set, so each day athletes will have 20-25 minutes to complete the strength work. The gymnastics are performed as a superset, immediately after each set of front squats.

Metcon - FT:

40 Calorie Row

35 Burpees

30 Pistols (Alt)

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12:00 AM00:00

Monday 6.26.17

15m - Dynamics

5m - RDL movement pre

Strength - 15m to complete:

  • 5-5-5-5-5 RDL, athletes may ascend over sets

*For the RDL, the athlete will deadlift the bar to the hip (overhand grip), and the reps start from there. The bar will not touch the ground between reps - they will descend as low as they can with perfect positioning and tension, and squeeze back up.

Metcon - 4RFT:

50 Double Unders


5 Power Cleans at 70% of 1RM Clean

*12m time cap

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1:01 AM01:01

Tuesday 06/20/17

Tuesday - Strength Week 2

15m - Dynamics

The format - 25m to complete:

7 sets each day:

Set 1 - 5 reps at 78%, 5 strict pull ups

Set 2 - 3 reps at 82.5%, 5 strict dips

Set 3 - 1 rep at 92%, 5 strict pull ups

Set 4 - 1 rep at 92%, 5 strict dips

Set 5 - 1 rep at 92%, 5 strict pull ups

Set 6 - 3 reps at 82.5%, 5 strict dips

Set 7 - 5 reps at 78%, 5 strict pull ups

*Add weight to the gymnastics if possible.

*It should only take 2-3 sets to reach 75% of your 1RM for your first working set, so each day athletes will have 20-25 minutes to complete the strength work. The gymnastics are performed as a superset, immediately after each set of front squats.

MetCon - 6m amrap:

4 Thrusters 95/65

5 Bar Facing Burpees

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1:30 PM13:30

Monday 06/19/17

Monday - Barbell Bonanza

15m - Dynamics

15m - Barbell Cycling Review

MetCon - 3RFT:

45 Double Unders

15 Deadlift

12 HPC

9 Shoulder to Overhead

*Rx is 155/105

**Time cap 12m.

Mobility - Forearm Stretch 90s. Seated Straddle 3m. Twisted Cross 90s/side.

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12:00 AM00:00

Saturday 6.17.17

15m - Dynamics

10m - C&J Prep, quick thruster review

On a running clock:

0-8:00 Infinity Ladder:

1/2/3/4/5... C&J 185/125

8 Box Jump Overs 24”/20” after each set


Establish a heavy 3 rep thruster from the floor

Mobility - Standing Straddle 1m. Seated Straddle 3m.

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12:00 AM00:00

Friday 6.16.17

15m - Dynamics

10m - Movement Prep

MetCon - 10m amrap:

10 OH DB Lunge Steps, alt legs (5 right arm, 5 left arm)

10 1 Dumbbell Deadlifts (5R arm, 5L arm)

5 Ring Muscle Ups

*Rx is 75/50. 1 Dumbbell for each movement.

*The DB OH Lunges will be done with 1 dumbbell, just like seen at regionals.

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12:00 AM00:00

Tuesday 6.13.17

15m - Dynamics

New Strength Progression! Here is how it is going to work, folks...first off:

The format - 25m to complete:

7 sets each day:

Set 1 - 5 reps at 75%, 5 strict pull ups

Set 2 - 3 reps at 80%, 5 strict dips

Set 3 - 1 rep at 90%, 5 strict pull ups

Set 4 - 1 rep at 90%, 5 strict dips

Set 5 - 1 rep at 90%, 5 strict pull ups

Set 6 - 3 reps at 80%, 5 strict dips

Set 7 - 5 reps at 75%, 5 strict pull ups

*It should only take 2-3 sets to reach 75% of your 1RM for your first working set, so each day athletes will have 20-25 minutes to complete the strength work. The gymnastics are performed as a superset, immediately after each set of front squats.

The Progression:

The Front Squat percentages (aka weights) will increase each week, and they will be prescribed by me. I will release them each week, and athletes will follow them to a tee. Use fractionals if you like, otherwise, round down.

The Gymnastics volume will stay the same, but athletes will make the movement more challenging by either adding weight or changing their scale (see below). If 5 strict pull-ups is very manageable, I would highly encourage athletes to do strict CTB, adding weight when possible.

The Scaling:

Strict Pull-Ups - we will use foot assisted, CTB pull-ups on your squat bar rack, with a 2s negative. Same number of reps. If athletes have 1-2 strict pull-ups, they may perform those first few reps on their squat bar with their feet off the ground, and drop the foot for assistance when necessary. Athletes will increase the difficulty of this exercise each week by feel, using less foot assistance.

Strict Ring Dips - we will set up multiple 30” boxes for athletes to use for box dips. Feet will go behind the athlete and provide assistance if necessary - same deal as the pull ups, if they can perform a few reps with their feet off the ground (or all 5) go for it! Ensure full range of motion here. Very crucial.

MetCon - 5m AMRAP:

100 Double Unders buy in

40 Air Squats

Max Burpees remaining time

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7:00 AM07:00

Monday 6.12.17

15m - Dynamics

10m - Kipping HSPU Clinic

4 rounds of 3m on/2m off (18m clock):

400m Run

15 HSPU (modified with push ups or dumbbell push presses)

Max KBS remaining time 32kg/24kg

Mobility - Twisted Cross 90s/side. Saddle Pose 3m. Puppy Dog Pose 1m.

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12:00 AM00:00

Wednesday 6.7.17

15m - Dynamics

10m - Deadlift Prep

4 Rounds of 4m AMRAP/2m rest:

600m Run

15 Deadlifts 275/185 (~65% of 1RM Deadlift)

Max sHSPU remaining time

**For the 600m run, athletes will run out the driveway and stay on the RIGHT hand side of the road. They will run to the front door of Friedman Electric (also on the right side) - it’s just past Found.

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12:00 AM00:00

Tuesday 6.6.17

15m - Dynamics

5m - Front Squat Prep

20m - Establish a 1RM Front Squat

5m - Establish a Max set of strict pull-ups and a max set of strict dips.

*For the max strict movements, athletes will pair up and judge each other to hold each other accountable for full ROM, and no lower body assistance.

**If athletes cannot do a strict pull-up or strict ring dip, they will use a band/s for the strict pull-ups, and perform push-ups instead of ring dips for the testing. I will include details for the strength progression piece of it later.

MetCon - FT:

500m Row

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5:30 PM17:30

Monday 6.5.17

15m - Dynamics

MetCon - FT:




Air Squats

*For larger classes, start athletes in waves so there isn’t crazy crowding for the first set of TTB.

**12m time cap

Mobility - Seated Straddle 3m. Saddle 3m. Twisted Cross 1m/side.

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