Saturday 5.6.17
Mainsite 170402
15m - Dynamics
10m - Kipping HSPU Drills
MetCon - 10m amrap:
10 HSPU (kipping allowed)
15 Front Rack Lunges 95/65
Mobility - Pigeon pose 2m/side. Saddle Pose 3m.
Mainsite 170402
15m - Dynamics
10m - Kipping HSPU Drills
MetCon - 10m amrap:
10 HSPU (kipping allowed)
15 Front Rack Lunges 95/65
Mobility - Pigeon pose 2m/side. Saddle Pose 3m.
15m - Dynamics
15m - Warmup to working weights
30m to complete 4 giant sets:
The goal is to add 5-10lb to the squat, 5-15lb to the deadlift, and if possible increase the DB weights. Encourage athletes to go by feel, and not to be too aggressive too early.
5 Back Squats
-60s rest-
5 Deadlifts
-60s rest
10 Dumbbell Strict Press
-3m rest-
Remaining Time - Mobility - Seated Straddle 3m. Saddle Pose 3m.
15m - Dynamics
1600m Run
-3m rest-
1200m Run
-2m rest-
800m Run
-1m rest-
400m Run
Mobility - Calves!! Runner’s stretch 1m/side. KB on the knee stretch 1m/side.
Mainsite 170421
15m - Dynamics
100 Dumbbell Snatches 50/35lbs
80 Calorie Row
60 Bar Facing Burpees
40 Muscle Ups
*20m time cap
Coaches - today we will be warming up concisely for 10-15m, and then doing some very brief movement prep related to the dumbbell snatch. Rowing and BFB are straight forward enough, and many athletes will not make it to the muscle ups. If they do, standard CTB/Pull-Up/Ring Row scaling.
**We will start heats every 5 minutes, running as many as 7 people at a time - I know we have 9 rowers, but I want to leave 2 open just incase someone gets through the DBS fast or rows slow.
Tuesday - Mainsite 170410
15m - Dynamics
MetCon - 4RFT:
15 Box Jumps 36”/30”
400m Run
*No rebounding allowed. Must step down.
Mobility - Saddle Pose 3m. Seated Straddle 3m. KB on knee stretch 1m/side.
**36” will be a 30” box with a 45lb plate and 25lb plate stacked on top of each other.
15m - Dynamics
10m - Handstand Walk Drills
5m - C&J Prep
MetCon - 5RFT:
4 Clean & Jerks 225/155 (heavy)
6 Bar Muscle Ups (or 6-8 PULL UPS or jumping pull ups - no CTB)
40’ Handstand Walk (scaled with 3 wall walks)
*15m time cap
**Leave a lane down the middle of the room, from the pull up rig through the muscle up rig towards the windows, free of barbells for those who will be handstand walking in your class (if any).
15m - Dynamics
10m - PC&PJ Review
4 rounds of 3m amrap/2m rest:
3 Power Cleans
5 Burpees
3 Push Jerks
5 Burpees
*The weight will ascend each round…
R1 - 95/65
R2 - 135/95
R3 - 185/125
R4 - 225/155
15m - Dynamics
“Nancy” - 5RFT:
400m Run
15 OHS 95/65
*20m time cap
**Competitor’s complete heavy Nancy, at 135/95.
15m - Dynamics
Complete each segment for time, maximum effort:
50 Calorie Row
-3m rest-
40 Calorie Row
-2m rest-
30 Calorie Row
-1m rest-
20 Calorie Row
15m - Dynamics
10m EMOM:
E - 1m Farmers Hold AHAP with KBs or DBs
O- 1m Plank on hands
*Or max effort each minute.
MetCon - 10m AMRAP with a partner:
P1 - 15/10 Cal Row
P2 - Max Box Jumps 24”/20”
*Score is total cals and total box jumps. If your class is bigger than 18 (9 rowers) you may have people use assault bikes as well.
15m - Dynamics
15m - Warmup to working weights
30m to complete 4 giant sets:
The goal is to add 5-10lb to the squat, 5-15lb to the deadlift, and if possible increase the DB weights. Encourage athletes to go by feel, and not to be too aggressive too early.
5 Back Squats
-60s rest-
5 Deadlifts
-60s rest
10 Dumbbell Strict Press
-3m rest-
Remaining Time - Mobility - Seated Straddle 3m. Saddle Pose 3m.
15m - Dynamics
10m - Low Ring MU Transition Drills
MetCon - 5RFT:
6 Burpee Ring Muscle Ups
15 WBS
*15m time cap - Competitor’s will use 30/20lb wall balls.
For athletes who are not completing the burpee muscle ups as Rx, they will complete 8 burpees and then 8 pull ups (or ring rows) per round.
15m - Dynamics
10m - Hang Snatch Review
5 Hang Squat Snatch 165/115
50 Double Unders
15 TTB
Mobility - Forearm Stretch & Twisted Cross
15m - Dynamics
10m - Warmup to Working Weights
The goal is to add 5-10lb to the squat, 5-15lb to the deadlift, and if possible increase the
DB weights. Encourage athletes to go by feel, and not to be too aggressive too early.
Strength - 30m to complete 4 sets:
5 Back Squats
-60s rest-
5 Deadlifts
-60s rest
10 Dumbbell Strict Press
-3m rest-
Remaining Time - Mobility - Seated Straddle 3m. Saddle Pose 3m.
15m - Dynamics
3 Rounds for Time:
30/25 Calorie Assault Bike
30/25 Calorie Row
800m Run
15m - Dynamics
Strength - 5m EMOM:
● 10 Strict HSPU (or strict pushups, modified up/down as needed)
KB Skill Work - 5m
MetCon - 12m amrap:
5 Russian KBS Right Arm
5 Front Rack Lunges Right Arm + Right Leg
5 Russian KBS Left Arm
5 Front Rack Lunges Left Arm + Left Leg
20 Mountain Climbers
15m - Dynamics
10m - Bar Muscle Up Drills
“Bar Muscle Up Biathalon”
400m Run
18 Bar Muscle Ups
400m Run
15 Bar Muscle Ups
400m Run
12 Bar Muscle Ups
*Every time you break a set, perform a 200m penalty run.
**20m time cap. Scaled rep scheme is 12/9/6.
Most athletes should not be able to do this workout unbroken, so take that into account when
choosing your rep scheme and scaling options. CTB Pull-ups, Pull-Ups, and Ring Rows will be
our go to options for the day. As long as you are performing 3 sets or less for each set, you are
all set.
15m - Dynamics
10m - Squat Clean/FS Review
On a running 16m clock:
5m amrap:
5 Front Squats 135/95
8 Bar Facing Burpees
-2m rest-
4m amrap:
4 Front Squats 165/115
7 Bar Facing Burpees
-2m rest-
3m amrap:
3 Front Squats 205/135
6 Bar Facing Burpees
Mobility - Saddle pose 3m. Puppy Dog Pose 2m.
15m - Dynamics
MetCon - With a partner…16 Rounds FT (8 each):
10 Box Jump Overs 30”/24”
10 Pull-Ups
*While your partner is performing their box jump overs, you must hold 2 KB’s in a farmer’s carry position. AHAP.
**Competitor’s must clear the box on their BJO.
15m - Dynamics
10m - HSPU Drills
10m - Clean Prep
10 kHSPU
3 Squat Cleans 225/155 (75%ish)
Mobility - Saddle Pose 3m. - This is a very hip intensive workout.
15m - Dynamics
6 sets of 3m on/2m off:
Rounds 1/3/5 - Assault Bike for Cals
Rounds 2/4/6 - Row for Cals
15m - Dynamics
10m - Rope Climb Clinic
MetCon - 13m AMRAP:
20 WBS
40 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb to 17’
Mobility - Lat Stretch 1m/side. Saddle Pose 3m.
15m - Dynamics
10m - Warmup to Working Weights
Strength - 30m to complete 4 sets:
5 Back Squats @ 75%
-60s rest-
5 Deadlifts @ 75%
-60s rest
10 Dumbbell Strict Press
-3m rest-
Remaining Time - Mobility - Seated Straddle 3m. Saddle Pose 3m.
15m - Dynamics
10m - Low Ring Muscle Up Drills
5 Sets of 3m AMRAP/2m Rest (23m clock):
400m Run
Then max effort…
Rounds 1/3/5 - Muscle Ups/CTB/Pull-Ups/ Ring Rows remaining time
Rounds 2/4 - Burpees
Mobility - Twisted Cross 90s/side. Runners Stretch 1m/side.
15m - Dynamics
10m - Kipping Drills
5m - Movement Prep
10 Front Rack Lunges 115/75
15 Push Ups
10 TTB
*12m time cap
Mobility - Pigeon Pose 2m/side.
15m - Dynamics
45m to Complete - “Crossfit Total” - Establish a heavy single…
Back Squat (~20m)
Deadlift (~15m)
Strict Press (~10m)
*In this order. By the time the back squat is done, athletes should be able to drop their bars to the floor, strip a bit of weight, and start working towards their heavy deadlift. Completion of the deadlifts will get the bars stripped, back in the rack, for the strict press.
15m - Dynamics
10m - Muscle Up Drills
4 Sets of 3m AMRAP with 2m Rest:
16 Pistols (Alt)
6 Muscle Ups (Kipping Pull-Ups)
Mobility - Pigeon Pose 2m/Side. Saddle 3m