6:30 PM18:30

WOD 022817

15m - Dynamics

5m - Squat Prep

20m to complete:

● 4 Sets of 5 Front Squats + 5 Back Squats, athletes may ascend over sets

*Athletes will perform 5 front squats, rack the bar, and immediately transfer it to their back for 5

back squats.

MetCon - 5RFT:

10 OHS 95/65

10 Deadlifts 95/65

*6m time cap. Light, light, light today.

Mobility - legs & hips!

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6:30 PM18:30

WOD 022217

15m - Dynamics

10m - Ring Kipping Drills

16m EMOM:

1- Max set of ring Muscle Ups/CTB/Pull Ups/Ring Rows - not to absolute failure, just a difficult set.

2- 8 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (pick a challenging weight) 50/35 ideally

3- 75 Double Unders (modify number of reps to fit into 45s or less)

4- Row @ moderate intensity for 40s

Mobility - Forearm Stretching & Puppy Dog Pose.

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6:30 PM18:30

WOD 022117

15m - Dynamics

20m - Movement Prep

On a running 16m clock…


5 Hang Power Snatch 135/95

10 WBS 20/14 to 10’

-2m rest-


5 OHS 95/65

10 Box Jump 24”/20”

-2m rest-


6 OH Lunges 95/65 (3/leg)

10 V-Ups

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6:30 PM18:30

WOD 022017

15m - Dynamics

10m - Movement Prep & Build Up

10m AMRAP:

10 Deadlifts 225/155

10 Bar Facing Burpees

10 sHSPU

*Athletes may scale with kHSPU, then DB/KB Strict Presses. Avoid pushups today because of the burpees in the workout.

Mobility - Hamstrings & Hips. Seated Straddle 3m. Saddle 3m.

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6:30 PM18:30

WOD 021717

15m - Dynamics
10m - HSPU Drills
MetCon - Open 15.4 - 8m AMRAP:
3 Cleans 185/125
3 Cleans
3 Cleans
12/6, 15/6, 18/6, 21/9, 24/9, 27/9…
*This rep scheme is most definitely confusing. Ensure athletes write it down on whiteboards for
their partner.
**We will run 2 heats today to judge each other! Only competitor’s are required to draw their
‘open standard line’ - general membership may just do kipping HSPU if they have them.

  • TGP Plays TDC - The prescribed scaled workout will be - Cleans 115/75 & Hand Release Push Ups.
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6:30 PM18:30

WOD 021417

15m - Dynamics
Strength - 25m to complete:
● 3x12 Back Squat - You may add 5-10lb to last week if you were successful week 4, AND
are very confident they won’t miss any reps!! Same weight for all 3 sets.
● 3x8 sHSPU (add deficit, if able to stay unbroken)
● 3x8 sPull Ups (add load, if able to stay unbroken)
MetCon - 2 Minute Row for Max Distance.
*This is an absolute, all out, max effort sprint. Set the rower monitors to 2m so they stop
counting when they are done.

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6:30 PM18:30

WOD 021317

15m - Dynamics
10m - Kipping TTB Drills
5m - OHS Prep
MetCon - FT:
100 Double Unders (2:1 Singles if capable)
50 OHS 115/75
50 TTB
100 Double Unders
*10m time cap
Mobility - Shoulders! Twisted Cross 1m/side. Doorway Stretch 1m/side. Puppy Dog Pose 2m.

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6:30 PM18:30

WOD 021017

15m - Dynamics

5m - Movement Prep

Strength - 20m to complete:

  • 3x10 Back Squats

  • 3x10 sHSPU

  • 3x10 sPull Ups

*Athletes will add 5-15lbs to their last back squat load (week 2)

MetCon - FT:

20 Box Facing Burpee Box Jumps 24”/20”

20 Burpees

20 Box Jumps 24”/20”

*6m time cap.

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6:30 PM18:30

WOD 020817

15m - Dynamics

10m - Low Ring Muscle Up Drills

  • Have stronger/higher skill athletes do banded transitions in the low rings. Ring row start for our newer/less advanced athletes.

MetCon - FT:


Ring Muscle Ups

Hang Squat Snatches

*Rx - 135/185/225 for guys and 95/125/155 for ladies. Have athletes start at a manageable weight, and add every round - even if it’s only 5lbs!

**12m time cap

For athletes who are more confident with their pull ups, they can go 2:1 reps! Use jumping pull ups as a scale today instead of ring rows.


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6:30 PM18:30

WOD 020717

10m - Dynamics

10m - HSW Skill Work

Skill - Complete 5 sets of:

  • 20-50’ HSW (modify distance for a consistent unbroken set)

  • Scale - Wall Running 12-15’ each way. Stay tuned for a video on this later today.

MetCon - 8m amrap:

10 Russian KBS 32kg/24kg

10 WBS 20/14lb to 10’/9’

*Today is all about transitions - encourage athletes to pick weights to go unbroken with, and to try to move right from one movement to the next!

**Competitor’s will use 30/20lb.

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2:24 PM14:24

WOD 020617

15m - Dynamics (include dub skill work)

10m - Barbell Cycling

MetCon - 4 rounds of 3m on/1m off (15m clock):

30 Dubs

5 Power Cleans 135/95

30 Dubs

5 Push Jerks 135/95

Mobility - Hamstrings & Shoulders. Puppy Dog 2m. Seated Fold 2m. Twisted Cross 1m/side

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