2:24 PM14:24

WOD 013117

15m - Dynamics
10m - Kipping Drills
Accessory - 10 Rounds of 30s on/30s off:
● Hollow Hold (modify to a plank hold if an athlete simply cannot achieve a hollow position
that you are okay with!
MetCon - 12m partner amrap:
10 Burpees
10 TTB
*Athletes will do burpees over their partner who will be holding a plank. The only rest during the
workout will be while your partner does their TTB.

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2:24 PM14:24

WOD 012717

15m - Dynamics
Strength - 20m to complete:

  • 3x10 Back Squats at same load as last week
  • 3x10 sHSPU
  • 3x10 sPull Ups

*If you can complete a confident 3x10, athletes may add load or deficit to the gymnastics. Similar scaling options to last week!
MetCon - FT:
50 Bar Facing Burpees
*5m time cap

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2:24 PM14:24

WOD 012417

15m - Dynamics
10m - Movement Prep
MetCon - 16m AMRAP - Waterfall Style in Teams of 3:
20/15 Cal Row
2 Shuttle Run (down and back) Hugging a 20/14lb Med Ball
2 Wall Walks
*I will setup the rowers near the monster wall at 6am. Athletes will row their cals, pick up a medball right behind their rower, and shuttle run from the end of the rower to the wall and back, twice. Then they will drop the med ball and complete 2 wall walks.
**Athletes will work continuously whenever the rower is open. The only rest during this workout will be after you complete your wall walks and if the rower is still being used

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2:24 PM14:24

WOD 012017

15m - Dynamics
10m - Clean Review
MetCon - Open 16.2:
In 4m window complete:
25 TTB
50 Double Unders
15 Squat Cleans 135/95
In 4-8m window complete:
25 TTB
50 Double Unders
13 Squat Cleans 185/115
...11 225/145...9 275/175...7 315/205

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3:24 PM15:24

WOD 011817

15m - Dynamics
25m to complete 3 sets of:
8 Back Squats @ 70%
12 sHSPU
12 sPull Ups
*Push Ups & Foot assisted pullups on a barbell for scaling options
MetCon - 5m amrap:
10 Box Jump Overs 24”/20”
5 Kipping Pull Ups

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3:24 PM15:24

WOD 011317

15m - Dynamics

10m - Power Clean & Push Jerk Review

Strength - 10m EMOM @ ~70%:

  • Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Jerk

MetCon - 10m AMRAP with a partner, you go I go:

5 PC&PJ 135/95

5 CTB Pull Ups

*Modify this workout so that the 5 & 5 are unbroken every round. The goal is at least 10 rounds, 5 rounds per partner.

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3:24 PM15:24

WOD 011117

15m - Dynamics

10m - Movement Prep

5 Rounds every 3 Minutes (15m clock)

15 Russian KBS

15 Air Squats

15 V-Ups

15 Push Ups

*Rest remainder

Led Stretching - Seated Straddle 3m. Pigeon Pose 2m/side. Twisted Cross 90s/side.

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3:24 PM15:24

WOD 010917

15m - Dynamics

10m - Rope Climb Foot Work

10m - Other Movement Prep

MetCon - 16m EMOM (4 sets of each):

1- Row 40s @ High Intensity for Cals

2- 60 Double Unders

3- 2 Rope Climbs as fast as possible (17’ Rx, Intermediate WZA competitors go 15’)

4- 15 Kipping HSPU

*For this workout we will have 6 athletes start on each station

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3:24 PM15:24

WOD 010417

15m - Dynamics

Strength - 10m EMOM:

E- 5-10 Strict Pull Ups

O- 5-10 Strict Dips


10 Lunges 95/65

10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24”/20”

*Even rounds = Front Rack Lunge. Odd rounds = Overhead Lunge.

**12m time cap.

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3:24 PM15:24

WOD 010217

15m - Dynamics

10m - Squat Clean Prep

5m - Build to 60% of 1RM

Strength - Every 90s for 14m (10 sets), ascending from 60%:

  • 1 Squat Clean

MetCon - 6m amrap:

Buy In - 25 Bar Facing Burpees
4 Deadlifts @ 1RM Clean

40 Dubs

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