5:24 PM17:24

WOD 102816

15m - Dynamics
Strength - 20m to complete:
● 4x7 Deadlifts at 68/73/78/78%
● 10 Strict Pull Ups after each set
8m amrap with a partner:
Shuttle Sprints
*Sprint from the rig to the bay door, then backpedal to the pull up rig and tag your partner. Each
person completing 1 shuttle sprint = 1 round.

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5:24 PM17:24

WOD 102616

15m - Dynamics
10m - Ring Muscle Up Work
10m - Squat Clean Review
MetCon - 18m amrap:
Squat Clean 225/155 (or 70%)
Ring Muscle Ups (scaled CTB or Pull Ups 1:1)
*Complete 10 Bar Facing Burpees after each round.
**Scoring today, each time you complete a round +10 BFB is 1 round. So if an athlete
completes 3 cleans, 3 RMU, and 5 BFB, their score is 4+11.

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5:24 PM17:24

WOD 102516

15m - Dynamics
10m EMOM:
E- 6 KB Strict Press/arm
O- 8 Pendlay Rows
MetCon - 12m AMRAP in Teams of 3:
P1 - 20/15 Cal Row
P2 - 15 Box Jumps 24”/20” * No rebounding allowed .
P3 - Holds a plank on elbows
*Teams may only rotate when every team member is done their reps at each station. Score is
rounds & reps.

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5:24 PM17:24

WOD 102416

Courtesy of Crossfit Linchpin 10.18.16 - Feel free to post results to their instagram that day!

15m - Dynamics
15m - Snatch Review
MetCon - FT:
400m Run
15 Squat Snatch 135/95
400m Run
12 Power Snatch 135/95
400m Run
9 OHS 135/95
*15m time cap
Mobility - 1m Runners Stretch/side, Puppy Dog Pose 2m, Seated Straddle 2m

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5:24 PM17:24

WOD 102216

15m - Dynamics
Strength - 20m:
● Establish a heavy 5 Back Squat, first rep 5s pause.
MetCon - 5m amrap:
5 KB Thrusters 24kg/16kg
*Must set the kettlebells down every 5 reps, and must complete all 5 reps for them to count.

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5:24 PM17:24

WOD 101916

15m - Dynamics
Strength - 25m:
● 7x1 Deadlift at 80/80/85/85/90/90/95%
● 3-5 Strict dips after each set, add load if possible. Stick with the same number of reps
every set.
MetCon - FT:
800m Run
15 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Thruster 95/65
*7m cap; pick a thruster weight that you can do unbroken.

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5:24 PM17:24

WOD 101516

15m - Dynamics

10m - Kipping Clinic

10m - Pistol Review & Scaling

MetCon - 5RFT:

15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

30 Alternating Pistols

*15m time cap

**Scaling today for pistols - KB Goblet Lunges. Box step ups holding a med ball.

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5:24 PM17:24

WOD 101416

15m - Dynamics

20m to complete:

  • 5 Sets of 4 - 75%, 75%, 80%, 80%, 85%

  • Between each set, complete a set of 15 unbroken perfect push ups (add load/use rings if possible)


100 Double Unders

40 KB Hang Snatches (alternate arms every 5 reps) 32kg/24kg

100 Double Unders

*8m time cap

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5:24 PM17:24

WOD 100716

15m - Dynamics

15m - Kipping HSPU Clinic

15m - Rope Climb Clinic

15m amrap:

200m Run

25 Double Unders

10 HSPU (scaled with push ups)

1 Rope Climb to 17’

*Pays to be a winner on the rope climbs. First come, first served.

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5:24 PM17:24

WOD 100516

15m - Dynamics

15m - Movement Prep

There will be 2 scores today - the first for your 1k, and the second for your total time to complete the workout.

In waves, FT:

1,000m Row


2 rounds:

21 Back Squats

15 Hang Power Cleans

9 Strict Press

*Rx barbell load is 115/75

**15m time cap

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5:24 PM17:24

WOD 100416

15m - Dynamics

15m to complete:

  • 4x7 Deadlifts at the following percentages: 65%, 70%, 75%, 75%

Athletes will calculate their numbers for the day at the start of class - each set of 4 will be at these prescribed weights based off of their most recent 1rm test - not their lifetime PR.

MetCon - 3RFT:

400m Run

20 Bar Over Burpees

*10m time cap - athletes will leave their barbell out and loaded for the workout once deadlifts are complete.

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