WOD 093016
Reminder - CFP is closed today and tomorrow (Saturday, 10/1) due to Owner, Tim's, weddding! We will re-open Monday with our normal class schedule.
Reminder - CFP is closed today and tomorrow (Saturday, 10/1) due to Owner, Tim's, weddding! We will re-open Monday with our normal class schedule.
Encourage athletes to make up either of the tests that they missed today!! I will program a workout for those who have hit all their tests, however, only because of the short schedule this week.
Reminder - CFP is closed tomorrow, Friday 9/31 and Saturday 10/1 because of Tim & Caitlin's wedding.
15m – Dynamics
10m – Movement Prep
MetCon – “Cindy” intervals – 3 Rounds of 5m amrap, 2m rest:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
10m – Dynamics
15m – C&J Review
Strength - 20m to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk
MetCon - 5m amrap:
Squat Clean & Jerks 165/110
15m – Dynamics
15m – Movement Prep
20m AMRAP with a partner, one person working at a time:
100 Throw the Balls to Echo 20/14lb to 10’/9’ (WBS)
80 Turn Yourself Upside Downs Trying to See Things from Her Point of View (HSPU)
60 Impersonations of THAT Drunken Relative that Fell & Jumped Over the Aisle 24”/20” (BBJO)
40 Snatch Her Heart Aways 135/95 (Squat Snatches)
20 One Ring to Rule Them All Muscle Ups (RMU)
15m – Dynamics
5m – Deadlift Prep
Strength – 20m to establish a 1RM Deadlift
I know we say this all the time, but this deadlift needs to be with beautiful technique. Emphasize to athletes that if they pull an ugly rep today, then the percentages they will be lifting for the next 6 weeks will be incredible difficult and they won’t be able to complete the progression as prescribed. Pretty reps are so important today.
800m Run
30 TTB
400m Run
*8m time cap
15m – Dynamics
10m – Kipping Clinic
10m – Movement Prep
MetCon – 10m amrap:
10 TTB
20 Alt. Walking Lunges (total)
10 Russian KBS 32kg/24kg
20 WBS 20/14lb to 10/9’
15m – Dynamics
Strength - 20m – Establish a heavy Push Press Single
Hold athletes accountable!!! Push jerks are not acceptable today, and if an athlete redips under the bar, kindly tell them that it will not count and to re-attempt the lift if they believe they can safely & effectively do so.
MetCon – 5RFT:
5 Push Press @ 60%
5 Front Squats @ same weight
15 Box Jump Overs 24"/20"
*10m time cap.
15m – Dynamics
On a running clock:
75 Calorie Row (athletes may scale to 50 cals – goal is sub 4:00 here)
-2m rest-
1 Mile Run
-2m rest-
50 Burpees to a target (we will just use a pull up bar; there is no required height, just a goal for athletes to touch to make sure they hit full extension. 1-2” above standing reach is just fine)
15m – Dynamics
5m – Movement Prep, Strict Dips
15m – Squat Snatch Prep
15m EMOM:
1- 5 Strict Dips (competitor’s will do Muscle Ups + Dip, for 3-5 reps)
2- 5 Squat Snatches @ 60%
3- 50 Dubs
Stretching – Twisted Cross 2m/side, Puppy Dog 2m
15m- Dynamics
Strength – 40m to establish:
Remaining time – stretching, but the focus is on giving people ample time to test and not feel rushed!
*Athletes should be aiming anywhere from 5-15lbs over their last 5RM of the cycle for today’s 5RM – they may perform anywhere from 2-3 attempts at a 5RM, depending on ability level and confidence.
15m – Dynamics
15m – Clean & Jerk Review
Strength – 15m to establish a heavy:
● Pocket Clean & Jerk
MetCon 6m amrap:
5 Front Squats @ ~70% of above
50 Dubs
10m – Dynamics
15m – HSPU Clinic
10m – Rope Climb Review
MetCon 13m amrap:
20 Pistols
5 sHSPU + 10 kHSPU
10 Box Jumps 30”/24” (no bounding)
1 Legless Rope Climb 17’
Scaling the legless rope climb today will be a legged rope climb! It will be first come first serve
on the ropes – since it’s only 1, it should be a fast turnaround!
15m - Dynamics
10m – Power Snatch Review & Cycling
10m – Build to a heavyish 5 Power Snatch
EMPHASIS: The point of this is to allow athletes to work on their cycling with a weight heavier
than they will be using in the workout, just to work on our skill and technique. It’s not a max
out session – just a way to prep for the workout and, hopefully, make that workout bar feel
really light!
MetCon – 10m amrap:
10 Power Snatch 95/65
10 Bar Facing Burpees
Mobility – Twisted Cross 2m/side, long seated straddle.
15m – Dynamics
10m – Movement Prep & Explanation of Strength Work
25m – Complete the following in supersets
● 10-7-5 Back Squats
● 10-7-5 Push Press (from the floor)
*Goal is to add 210lbs from last week, both movements, every set! Last week – let’s make it
Mobility – Puppy Dog, Pigeon, Straddle.
15m – Dynamics
10m – Kipping Clinic
10m – Power Clean Review & Build Up
18m amrap:
400m Run
5 Power Cleans @ 65% of 1RM Clean
15 CTB Pull Ups
-2m rest mandatory after each round-
15m – Dynamics
10m - Kipping Drills
10m - Movement Prep
50 Cal Row
40 Thrusters 95/65
30 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Thrusters 95/65
10 Muscle Ups (scaled 1:1 CTB or Pull Ups)
*12m time cap
15m – Dynamics
15m – Snatch Review & build up
Every 90s for 9m (7 sets, last at the buzzer), starting at 60% of 1rm snatch and ascending:
1 Power Snatch
7m amrap:
5 Power Snatches 165/115 (or 70% of your max complex)
10 Box Jumps 30”/24”
15m – Dynamics
10m – Movement Prep & Explanation of Strength Work
25m – Complete the following in supersets
10-7-5 Back Squats
10-7-5 Push Press (from the floor)
*Goal is to add 2-10lbs from last week, both movements, every set!
Mobility – Puppy Dog, Pigeon, Straddle.
2nd to last week of our cycle!!
15m – Dynamics
10m – Kipping Clinic
On a 20m clock, 2m on/2m off (5 rounds):
15 TTB
15 WBS 20/14lb to 10’/9’
15 Russian KBS 32/24kg
*Max Burpees remaining time
**SCALED REP SCHEME – athletes will complete 10 reps of each movement. They should be getting burpees every round, and each element should be unbroken. Pick the rep scheme/movements that will allow you to do so!
15m – Dynamics
15m – Movement Prep
FR Lunges 95/65
Strict Press 95/65
sPull Ups
*Athletes must complete an 800m run before each round.
*25m time cap
15m – Dynamics
15m – Deadlift Prep
On a running clock:
0:00-5:00 is AMRAP
5 Deadlifts 315/205
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24”/20”
7:00-10:00 is AMRAP
5 Deadlifts 225/155
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24”/20”
12:00-15:00 is AMRAP
5 Deadlifts 135/95
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24”/20”