Saturday 12.2.17
10m - Dynamics
10m - Snatch Review
15m - 1RMax Snatch
Metcon - TBA pending liftoff workout
10m - Dynamics
10m - Snatch Review
15m - 1RMax Snatch
Metcon - TBA pending liftoff workout
10m - dynamics
15m - movement prep
"Crossfit Games Lift Off"
10m - Dynamics
Strength - 25m to establish:
5RM Front Squat
Strength Part 2 - 5m to establish:
Max Strict CTB Pull Up
*Have athletes look at what they tested with previously. Most it was either strict CTB, Strict Pull Ups, or banded Strict Pull Ups. Hopefully they wrote down what they did and how many - if not, just have them test where they are capable of.
Metcon - Gymnastics Test - FT:
50 sHSPU (or 50 HSPU or 50 Push Ups or 50 elevated Ring Push Ups)
10m - Dynamics
10m - Complex Review
10m - Setup
Metcon - 20m AMRAP:
400m Run
3 Power Clean
3 Jerks
*Weight ascends every round, complex must be unbroken.
Male - 135/155/175/195/215/235..
Female - 95/115/135/155/165/175..
10m - Dynamics
15m - Movement Prep
10 RFT (5 each):
10 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Deadlifts
5 Muscle Ups
*Rx - 135/95
15m - Dynamics
Strength - 25m to complete 5 supersets:
3 Pause Front Squats (SAME WEIGHT AS LAST WEEK)
CTB or Scaling Option - add 1 rep to last week
MetCon - 5m AMRAP:
4 Strict HSPU
4 Hang Power Cleans 155/105
*Athletes may scale with kipping hspu today.
15m - Dynamics
With a partner:
5 sets each:
20/15 Calorie Row
5 sets each:
17 WBS 20/14lbs to 10’/9’
5 Sets Each:
14 Alt. Dumbbell Snatch 50/35lbs
*Rest while partner works
*Rx+ is 30/20lb WBS
15m - Dynamics
15m - Movement Prep
MetCon - 7m AMRAP:
8 Squat Clean Thrusters 75/55
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24”/20”
-3m rest-
Mobility - Everything
15m - Dynamics
“Coffland” - FT:
Accumulate 6m hang from the pull up bar
*Every break:
800m Run
30 Push Ups
*Ideally, this workout should take 3-4 sets. If an 800m run will take longer than 4:00, modify to a 400m.
**If athletes first hang is less than one minute, they will accumulate 4 minutes of hanging
**If athletes first hang is less than 30 seconds, they will accumulate 3 minutes of hanging
15m - Dynamics
10m - Snatch Mechanics
Strength - Every 75s for 7 sets, ascending:
Hang Snatch
MetCon - 15RFT:
1 Power Snatch (roughly 80% of complex)
15 Double Unders
*9m time cap
15m - Dynamics
10m - Muscle Up Drills
MetCon - 12m AMRAP:
3 Deadlifts 275/185
4 Muscle Ups (up to 2:1 CTB/PU)
5 Box Jumps 36”/28” (2x35lb plates for men, 1x45lb plate for women)
*These box jumps are meant to be explosive, challenging, and slower paced.
15m - Dynamics
Strength - 25m to complete 6 supersets:
2 Paused Front Squats 5-15lbs heavier
## of Strict CTB SAME AS LAST WEEK!!!
MetCon - 6m AMRAP:
5 1-Arm Dumbbell Push Jerks/Arm AHAP
10 Air Squats
15m - Dynamics
10m - Movement Prep
MetCon - 16m AMRAP:
8 Thrusters 95/65
8 Bar Facing Burpees
*You go, I go.
*Every time someone completes 8+8 it counts as a round.
Cooldown - Saddle Pose + Single Leg Forward Fold
15m - Dynamics )
10m - DB Prep
MetCon - 5RFT:
5 DB Deadlifts
5 DB Power Cleans
10 TTB
200m Run
*Rx is 50/35lbs, 2 dumbbells at a time.
Mobility - Forearm Stretching
15m - Dynamics
10m - Rope Climb Prep
5m - Kipping HSPU Prep
MetCon - 10RFT:
30 Double Unders
10 HSPU (Push Ups or DB PP)
1 Rope Climb 17’
*15m time cap
10m - Dynamics
15m - Prep
FT - “Andy”
25 Thrusters 115/75
50 Box Jumps 24”/20”
75 Deadlifts 115/75
1.5 Mile Run
75 Deadlifts
50 Box Jumps
25 Thrusters
*40m time cap
15m - Dynamics
10m - Squat Snatch Prep
Build up - 5 sets every 75s:
3 TNG Squat Snatches
*They may stop at their workout weight or challenge themselves a bit.
Metcon - 3RFT:
10 Squat Snatch 155/105
20 Burpees
15m - Dynamics
4 sets of 60/40 Calorie Assault Bike
-3m rest between-
15m - Dynamics
15m - Dynamics
Strength - 25m to complete 5 supersets:
3 Paused Front Squats at 5-15lbs over last week
Strict CTB - add one rep to exactly what you did last week!
Add 1 rep to each set of strict CTB
If you performed the modification last week:
5, 2s count CTB Negative (banded if necessary) + 5 CHALLENGING ring rows each set, 1s hold at top
Metcon - FT:
30 Calorie Row
30 Push-ups
400m Run
15m - Dynamics
15m - HSW Drills
Metcon - 15m AMRAP:
50’ HSW
50’ Broad Jumps
50’ Walking Lunge
*We will go 25’ out and 25’ back. I will divide the room in half at 6am, and athletes will work from the wall (monster or black) to the cone, and back.
*HSW - bear crawl for scale, or 4x wall walks.
Mobility - Twisted Cross 90s. Puppy dog 1m
10m - Dynamics
10m - Barbell Cycling
5m - WB Prep
Metcon - 14RFT (you go, I go):
7 Clean & Jerks 135/95 **Unbroken
14 WBS 20/14lbs to 10'
*20m time cap
*This workout is fast and unbroken. Come out hard, and hold on.
15m - Dynamics
10m - Snatch Prep
10m EMOM:
Hang Squat Snatch, ascending
FT - “Running Jackie”
800m Run
50 Thrusters 45/35lbs
30 Pull Ups
*12m time cap.
15m - Dynamics
Strength - 25m to complete 4 supersets:
4 Paused Front Squats at 5-15lbs over last week
Strict CTB - add one rep to exactly what you did last week!
Add 1 rep to each set of strict CTB
If you performed the modification last week:
MetCon - 6m AMRAP:
5 Strict HSPU (or DB Strict Press)
10 Box Jump Overs 24”/20”
15m - Dynamics
4 rounds:
25 Calorie Row
25 Calorie Assault Bike
100 Single Unders
15m - Dynamics
15m - Movement Prep (PC & Kip on the bars)
Metcon - 4 rounds of 3m on/1m off:
400m Run
*Max reps of <movement>
Round 1 - Ring Muscle Ups
Round 2 - Bar Facing Burpees
Round 3 - Power Cleans 135/95
Round 4 - TTB
*Score for the day is total reps.